
Family Collage

So, I realize this looks awful, but I swear I know how to use masks...


212 Assignment

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Far & Away

The last movie I watched was Far & Away. I've seen this movie before, and honestly I absolutely love this movie. It has Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman in it. You could say it's a cheesy movie... but hey, everyone at least loves one cheesy movie. But anyway, the movie is about two Scottish people who are completely different (the girl is rich and the boy is a poor farm boy) but they both leave Scotland for America.  


School thus far...

School has been pretty good. I can't really complain. Swim team and my school work is keeping me busy throughout the week, so I'm constantly doing something. 


Improving the Announcements

Yesterday we talked about adding short video clips instead of speaking announcements, and I really like that idea! I think it will be fun for other people to see that we can create some pretty legit videos. Another thing that I think we should do is re-write the announcements all together. Sometimes the way they are worded just drag on and it sounds so boring, so I think we should make them sound more interesting.


My first few days of school have been pretty good. My schedule is great because I have friends in each of my classes.


Summer 2013

What did I do this summer? The real question is, what DIDN'T I do this summer? Just kidding. This summer was honestly a blast, and definitely busy. This summer I got my first job as a lifeguard at the Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center. Working every single day in the sun for 5-6 was totally different than my usual Netflix summer days, but it was really fun! I made some new friends and I made a bunch of money, which was probably the best part. But besides working everyday, I got to go to a church Girls Camp. This year I was a YCL (Youth Camp Leader) and it was the best! The girls I were with were great, and I don't think it could've been better. Overall, I enjoyed my summer.