
Summer 2012

I am so excited for this summer! This summer I am mainly just going to running cross country pre-season, hanging with friends, and summer camps. I am going to be soaking up the sun with the people I love most so I'm pumped.


End of the Week!

Friday's are always great days! Classes are care-free (at least most of the time) and everyone is so excited for the weekend. This weekend is going to be really fun, I am doing this race called "The Warrior Dash" with my brother, sister, and dad on Saturday and then tonight I am babysitting with one of my really good friends Maddy! Also, I might be going to this Western Dance for church so I'm pretty excited :)


School Year Coming To An End...

This year went by so fast! Although, I have a feeling this last month of school is going to go by slowly... I only have two more weeks left of track! Yay! I seriously am so exicted for summer.. only one more month, stay positive...


California Choir Trip

This weekend was so long, but was a total blast! Our choir went to California for a Choral Festival and then we went to DisneyLand! This trip was so much fun because I made some new friends and it was one of my really good friend's first time ever being to DisneyLand. I'm still so tired and I'm really looking forward to this weekend (already!), it is going to be a really long week.



This week's spirit was, "Are you cereal?". So today the assembly to sum up the week was, "No, I'm Milk!". It was actually really creative and an overall fun-filled week. I am so excited for this day to be over because tomorrow choir goes to California for a choir festival and then all Saturday we go to DisneyLand! I am so excited, I haven't been to DisneyLand in what seems like forever, and I can't wait to go back! Hoorrraay! Can you tell I'm excited?


Class Color Day

Today is class color day for spirit week! Freshman are red, sophomore's are green, junior's are blue, and senior's are purple! Some friends and I made red tye-dye shirts together, and we are all wearing red lipstick! Today is last Wednesday meet of the track season. I'm not going to lie, I'm defiently excited!



Am I satisfied with my grades? Yes, I am! I work hard in school in order to get all A's (occasionally there is some B's, I must say) so I can get a good education!



The biggest obstacle I will have to get to my wanted career will probably just be college and schooling. I want to do something with weather so I am going to be taking a lot of science classes in school. Can't wait!


Stanford 10

Today and tomorrow I am testing. Mathematics, Biology, Reading Comprehension, and Language. It's similar to AIMS but no where near as bad... Today I only have 1,2, and 3 hour.


Living Place

If money meant nothing and I could live anywhere, it would be anywhere with a beach. So either Hawaii or California.


All Things Easter

This weekend is going to be really fun! Or at least I hope it will. First off, I don't have school on Friday! Having no school is awesome. I love having an extra day for myself. Then, I have an Easter party to go to with my cousin which should be a blast. And, Sunday is Easter. Who doesn't love Easter?!


Right & Freedom

The difference between a right and freedom is a right is being able to do something by the law, and freedom is totally up to your agency... Although our "free" country does have laws that you are entitled to follow, and if you don't there is consequences.



This weekend was pretty chill.. I had a freshman/sophomore track invitational this Saturday which was a lot of fun, although I didn't do very good in my races. Oh well, I have all this week to get better, right?