
Journal Entry

Well today is a journal entry, and I don't really know what to write about... Nothing really interesting or spectacular happened yesterday. But cross country was pretty hard, we ran three 400 meters up hill, and four 200 meters. And my sore throat was not helping when I was breathing hard, I thought I was gonna die! It was so dry, and felt like it was closing.. But I survived!

Today in Language Arts we are doing a debate on cloning. My group is CON (against cloning), and I think we are gonna do good! Yep.


Journal Entry

Today is a journal entry. Therefore, I am supposed to write about my day. I will start off with yesterday evening. For cross country we ran 6 miles. It was so hard. And I had missed three practices because I couldn't go to Thursday's practice and I went camping Friday and Saturday. My legs hurt are sore, and I am starting to get sick! AWESOME! Great timing. And I cannot afford to loose anymore practices. I have to drink a lot of water today, or I will have to suffer at practice!


Photoshop Collage

So my computer decided to freeze while it was on the paintbrush tool... So this is how it saved /: First try at photoshop though..

Career Goals

I have had many thoughts about what I would like to do when I am done with High School. But a good smile has always caught my eye, so I have thought about being a dentist or an orthodontist. This sounds like a pretty good deal to me. They make a good amount of money, and have nice work hours. I could start working around 8 and be back around 5 or 6pm. Also, I wouldn't be on call like a doctor.  


August 26 2011

We are supposed to write right about if we like sports and why... I defiantly like sports. I love watching baseball, soccer, and I don't mind football. But the sports I participate in at school are cross country, soccer, and track and field. But I love just playing sports. I can say I am not good at a lot of them but I think they are so fun!


August 25 2011

Today we are supposed to blog about what should happen to parents that leave their children in the car on hot days. What I think should happen is maybe they should realize some common sense? Sorry but, who thinks leaving their kid in a non air conditioned car in 100+ degrees as a rational idea/thought?! I think that it shouldn't be allowed! No one has any idea how long they will be out, so the children could be in the car for hours! This could causes dehydration, and sickness. I feel like there should be a law that doesn't allow it. Just take your kid with you! Or leave them at home. Is it really that hard to think through?


August 24 2011

Yesterday we worked on photoshop for the first time. It's pretty fun but I suck at it! Hopefully I'll get better at it..

Since it has been so hot we have to move our cross country practices to 5am. That is so early! Today was our first early morning practice, and since we wouldn't have enough time to go back home to get ready, we had to get ready at the school. It was the biggest disaster! At first the showers wouldn't even turn on, but we got the maintenance lady and she turned them on. They were so hot and they were burning every body's skin! It seriously hurt so bad. Then, they wouldn't turn off so the whole locker room started steaming like crazy. And in the middle of every body's shower the fire alarm went off. Let me just say I have had better mornings.


August 23 2011

It's Tuesday! Today I finally remembered my head phones! yayyyy. We have a sub today named Mr. Wiley. And we are working on photoshop today! Sweet. This class isn't as long as it usually is because it is Tuesday and we had set today. Set is on Tuesday's and we have a study hour for 40 minutes.
Well I need to work on my assignment so later!


August 22 2011

The first weekend of High School is over! Boo! My weekend was pretty good! On Friday night I had cross country at 5:30 and it was actually really easy and fun. The movie The Help came out last weekend so I saw it with my two sisters (Courtney and Maddi) and my mom on Saturday. It was so good! It was nothing compared to the book, but I was impressed on what they did with it. My sisters are going to China on Thursday for 4 monthes to teach English. One of our favorite holidays is Thanksgiving and they will be gone for it so we had "Fakesgiving" on Sunday. The food was delicious so now we have left overs! YES! I am really excited for my sisters but I am really going to miss them. Alright, that's all for today!


August 19 2011

It is finally Friday! The first week of High School is over. I have been so tired all week! School starts too early! But so far everything has been going pretty good! I have Cross Country Monday through Friday at 5:30pm-7:30pm and 6:00am practices on Saturday's. Which sucks because I don't even get to sleep in on the weekends because I have church at 9:00am...

Yesterday we had a "haboob"! Which is really just a dust storm but whatever. We had to rush through practice so the storm wouldn't get to us while we running. Although, I really wanted it to rain while we were running because it is usually is so freaking hot!

Well that is all the blogging for this week! See ya Monday. 


August 18 2011

This is Michaella Stone here on BlogSpot...

Yesterday in Media Productions we created a blog for everyday journaling, homework, and class projects. I am supposed to write about yesterday, so here we go!

Yesterday was my third day at Deer Valley High School. Let me say I already am really liking it a lot. So much better than middle school. Seriously, that place was a joke. I really enjoy my teachers, classes, and the people in them. I already am behind in homework! Cool... My schedule got changed from the first and second day of school. At first I was in Biology with Jaeger first hour (which I liked a lot..), 4th lunch, and Women's choir 5th hour. Sorry to say, that place was not for me and my friend Tiffany. So we got switched yesterday (hooray!), and now it's all good!
My(new and improved)schedule is:
P1- Concert Choir with Mr. Simms
P2- Algebra 1-2 H with Mr. Van Liew
P3- Media Productions with Mr. Larsen
P4- Biology with Mr. Jaeger
~Fifth Lunch!~
P6- Language Arts H with Ms. Dimiao
P7- Seminary with Brother Merrell

Still trying to figure this out, so excuse me if it sucks. :)