
August 18 2011

This is Michaella Stone here on BlogSpot...

Yesterday in Media Productions we created a blog for everyday journaling, homework, and class projects. I am supposed to write about yesterday, so here we go!

Yesterday was my third day at Deer Valley High School. Let me say I already am really liking it a lot. So much better than middle school. Seriously, that place was a joke. I really enjoy my teachers, classes, and the people in them. I already am behind in homework! Cool... My schedule got changed from the first and second day of school. At first I was in Biology with Jaeger first hour (which I liked a lot..), 4th lunch, and Women's choir 5th hour. Sorry to say, that place was not for me and my friend Tiffany. So we got switched yesterday (hooray!), and now it's all good!
My(new and improved)schedule is:
P1- Concert Choir with Mr. Simms
P2- Algebra 1-2 H with Mr. Van Liew
P3- Media Productions with Mr. Larsen
P4- Biology with Mr. Jaeger
~Fifth Lunch!~
P6- Language Arts H with Ms. Dimiao
P7- Seminary with Brother Merrell

Still trying to figure this out, so excuse me if it sucks. :)

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