
April Fools

Everyone always says that April Fools gets them every time... I've never had a great trick! Although, one time my friend said she broke her ankle. She didn't keep the secret very long though! She gave it away right in the morning. Not a pro!


Last Thing I Learned...

You learn something new everyday, right? Today I learned (from Katie Gourdoux) that not all people diagnosed with HIV get AIDS. Thanks for that fun fact!



I would say I have changed a lot in the past year... but not in the ways people would think. I still look like the same person; blond hair, short, etc. But my personality and the way I think has changed. I definitely have matured emotionally, and I'm (more, if that makes sense) open-minded.


Spring Break

I was totally satisfied with this Spring Break! I spent a balanced amount of time with friends and family. It started and ended with a ton of fun. I was really sad to see it end... It made made me long for summer, which I am so excited for! This summer is going to be a blast. I have a lot going on and I'm especially excited on who I get to spend it with. Good thing we only have ONE more quarter left of school! This year has flown by (and I'm not complaining). I can't believe I am almost already done with being a freshman, and next year that I'll be a sophomore! Crazy, right?!



Yes I have been on a vacation. Although, it has never been out of this world. Like, out of the country I mean. I've only really been on the west side of the United States. Which includes Idaho, Utah, Oregon, California, Texas, and Washington. I really want to get out of this country some time in my life though.


Most frightening thing...

In my life I really haven't had anything happen to me that would scar me for life. I have never been in mortal peril where I was in a near death situation. Although, life is a scary thing so there has been certain times where I have been freaked out. One time me and my cousin got lost in the forest and I seriously thought no one was going to find us. LUCKILY we were found. Good thing, right?


Set Days

Surprisingly enough, I like SET days. They give you a chance to catch up on homework, or get ahead! Or just relax... I don't know, I just love having at least a half-hour of semi-free time. I wish we had a half hour everyday. If only, right?


Perfect Classrooom

The perfect classroom would have endless amounts of food, computers, desks, teaching supplies... I don't know, anything you need to teach? I'm not a teacher so I wouldn't know.


Piano Federation

This weekend I have my piano federation. Piano federation is where you play one required piece from the given list of of music that year, and one choice piece of music. You get judged on how you play and you can score from 5-0 points. I have gotten 5 points two years in a row now and if I get 5 points again this year then I get a 15 point trophy! I am really excited but nervous, because I will be so mad if I don't get five points this year.



The last book I read for fun was The Mediator SHADOWLAND. I have already read this book before but I love it! I was re-reading for my independent reading project in Language Arts.


Chroma Key Project

Project's main concept: Student asleep in Spanish class, when her teacher asks hers a question, she wakes up and finds herself in Mexico City.

Props: Desk

Extras: Sheets

Talent: Katie Gourdoux & Andrea Morgan

Fast Food

My favorite fast food... while fast food is so bad for you, I think I like it too much! There are so many fast foods restaurants that I enjoy eating at. But my all time favorite is probably classic-American food. Burgers, fries, and milk shakes. My favorite is place is Five Guys or In-N-Out Burger. Now I am really craving some food!



I hate homework. I feel so behind, and whenever I get caught up, the next second I forgot about something! Today I have flashcards in biology due (did I mention I didn't do them?) and my Independent Reading Project is due. Luckily, I did do that. My teacher's are piling me up with busy work that really isn't necessary! I am so sick of it!


Oh how i love half-days!

Today is a half day! YAY! I can't tell if this week went by slow or not, but I do know that it has seem like a lot has happened since the beginning of this week.
Okay, so I am track and right now I am doing middle distance. I am hating it! I cannot seem to like anything about it. I don't think it is because it is hard... I did cross-country and I semi liked it. I just do not want to do it. So, guess what? I am going to quit the mid distance team and try hurdles. I did hurdles all through middle school and why should I waste all that hard work? I was pretty good, I placed second  in my district for the 55 meter hurdle race. I miss hurdles and miss the rush, and no one is going to stop me from doing hurdles, or I'm going to quit the team. I'm sick of everyone deciding what I'm going to do. I'm going to do what makes me the happiest I can be. Right now, it isn't the 800 meter. It sounds crazy, but this is driving me insane. I don't think I can handle it.


Weekly Exercise

I exercise five days a week, and I give the weekends a break. Should I work out on the weekends? Probably, but I like having those two days off!