
Summer Movies 2012

There are so many awesome movies coming out this summer! Here are a few that I know I will be seeing.

The Dark Knight Rises- Who doesn't love Bat Man? This movie intrigues me because I have an obsession with super heroes. I just love them. This movie looks epic, can't wait!

Brave- This movie is about a little red head who stands up for what she wants! It looks adorable and is set in Scotland. They have Scottish accents which are legit. They remind me of Great Uncle. He doesn't have an accent but he can do the best impersonation.

The Amazing Spider Man- Okay, so I have to see this because my super hero obsession. Also, Spider Man happens to be my favorite hero. Although, I love the original movies with all my heart so I don't know how well this one will compare. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone are in this and they are great actors, so hopefully I will like this. I think I will!


How do Thursday's always feel like a Friday?

Seriously^. Especially this Thursday... This morning felt like one of those morning where I was relieved, "Last morning getting up! Then the weekend, yes!". Wrong. I still have tomorrow, and all next week. This week has gone pretty fast but not fast enough! I really would love it if it were next week already. Or maybe the weekend. I really just want to sleep. And possibly clean my room.. ugh



To make sure the substitute has a good experience today I will make sure to be cooperative, have good behavior, and be polite! This substitute is really nice, from what I've heard at least, and so far she is exactly what everybody has said. I hope she has a good day, and no one gives her trouble...



Summer is seriously so close! We only have seven more days left. I cannot wait. I am in need of some serious supplies for summer though! Which includes: a swim suit, summery clothes, and definitely some tanning lotion and make up. This summer I will swimming, hanging with friends, running, and eating. So excited! So close... Stay positive!



What have I been doing to prepare for finals? Truth is that not a lot of my teachers have said much about finals... In this class I don't have to do a final because me, Andrea, and Katie are working with the Tri Caster. In math we are currently working on a final group project so I guess that counts... In Language Arts I have a business letter to write, in Seminary I have a scripture mastery test... So overall I am just studying away and trying to trigger my knowledge. I really want to do well on my business letter because right now I have an 88 in that class and I want straight A's for this semester (I got all A's last semester)! So hopefully finals week will go well.



Yesterday was actually a really good day! I usually like Thursday's a lot because they are low-key, and it is only one day away from Friday (the weekend, my motivation to get through the week....)! The school day consisted of a singing, math review questions, technology, biology, lunch, and Romeo and Juliet. The really fun part of the day was at night. My great Uncle Johnny came to Phoenix for some of this week so he came and visited us last night. We went down to Tempe Marketplace (which is the coolest place ever! Wish I lived there) and ate at Red Robin (YUM!). The food was seriously delicious, and I ate way too much. Later, we walked around Tempe Marketplace and got ice cream at Cold Stone. Then we just enjoyed our dessert and talked in these cute little chairs by the store. Johnny told us a lot about our family... I never realized how unique my family is! He told us about his dad, my great great Aunt Jackie (who just passed away a few months ago, I couldn't go the funeral with my dad), and so much more. I seriously wanted to stay and listen to him tell me stories all night but it was a stupid school night so we had to go home.


This Week's Assignments...

Me, Katie, and Andrea are working on perfecting the "morning announcements". I put that in quotations because we haven't even started them yet! Well, at least officially. We haven't gotten all of the needed equipment for us to go through the whole process. We are taking this class next year and hopefully by then we will have all the tools to do it! I am so excited!



So you know how breakfast is the most important meal of the day? I can actually agree to that now! So, I got up and made a semi-decent breakfast (toast and oatmeal) and I have been so energized and ready for the day! I need to make breakfast more often..



Some days I really like SET, and other days I really don't care for it... I love SET when I have to finish a project, or I have homework, and best of all when I have nothing and I can just hang out with friends... Although, today I had to go to choir for a stupid council meeting and it was super boring and awkward none of my friends are in the council.


Super Power

If I could have any super power, what would it be? This is such a hard question! There is so many super powers to choose from, which are all awesome I might add. But my favorite powers are super speed, and flying.


Summer Job

This summer I really want a job, but I'm not old enough to get one! Places don't start hiring until you are at least fifteen and I'm not fifteen till August 3rd (pretty much the end of the summer..). Although, Chick-Fil-A starts hiring at fourteen so I may apply there. We'll see!


Fast Food

The last fast food place that I have eaten at was McDonalds. Although, I only had an icecream cone and fries so whatever...



What I look forward to most when I can move out is my increase in my own freedom, it's not like my parents have me in a living jail but I will have more freedom then I have now. I'll be on my own, making my own decisions, paying for my own things.. it is going to be really different but I'm definitely excited for college.