
Life never stops spinning, does it?

This week is going to be crazy... It's soccer tryouts and I have a huge chemistry project due in a week. As soon as I think my life is going to slow down for a while, it speeds up again! I feel stressed all the time lately, I just don't know how to calm down. Or anything that I can escape with, I just can't find time for it in my schedule. Hopefully this week will go by quickly?


Parent Teacher Conference

I think the last time my parents went to Parent Teacher Conferences was in elementary school... I always forget to tell my parents about it anyway. Since it isn't mandatory, why should they go? I guess they might want to meet my teachers... I would never know though because they don't go!


Two Half Days

Today is the last full day of this week... thankfully! We have half days on Thursday and Friday. On Friday I get to miss seventh hour because we have Region that day. I'm so excited for swim to be over so I can finally start soccer! Soccer is my favorite sport and I've been waiting for it to start ever since it ended last year...


Out of Highschool

They are so many things I want to do out of high school... I will be going to going college and I want to do this program called ILP. ILP stands for International Language Program. With ILP you can go to a selection of countries and teach children how to speak English. You don't have to have a degree, and it really isn't that expensive. It sounds like such an amazing experience to travel, and to interact with kids.


A Not So Homecoming Weekend...

So, last week was homecoming week and it was a blast! I'm sad it ended already.... This weekend was our homecoming game and the dance. I went to the game, but not the dance. Instead, I went to Laser Tag with a few of my other friends who didn't go to Homecoming. I had a lot fun! I think I might go to Homecoming next year, but this year I just wasn't up to it. It sounded like a lot of fun, but last year was LAME because I didn't know everyone in my group very well so it was kind of awkward... But now I know a bunch of people so it should be really fun at the other dances. :)



Propaganda is advertising a product so people will buy it. There are many ways of using of propaganda... There is specific types of propaganda. The one I am most familiar with is "Band Wagon". Advertising uses this like : "Everyone is doing it!" convincing you that it is the best thing to do, and you should do it because everyone else is doing it.



I love wearing pink for Breast Cancer Awareness! I forgot today though :( It shows we support and love the people who are suffering with cancer.


Fast Week

This week has flown by! I seriously can't believe how fast it has gone, and I honestly feel really overwhelmed... So much to do, so little time! And as usual, I am stressing myself out, but at the same time, I'm not motivated to get anything done! UGH!
This weekend is super busy. The rest of this week (the only two days we have) is just me and my dad. My mom, sister, and brother went up to Utah because my brother and sister are at a job interview. So me and my dad just get to hang out! Not gonna lie, I'm pretty excited. It's fun to just hang out with alone for a change. I don't see him a whole lot anymore, not with him working and I'm always at swim.
I have the Tucson swim invitational this Saturday. All day. This meet I almost have a full schedule so I'm actually pretty nervous... Do your best forget the rest, right? Right... Then right when I get home, it is my friend Amanda's birthday party! I feel bad that I'm ditching my dad all Saturday but she has been planning this for months now... you're only sixteen once!


Greek Test

I have a test today in World History on Ancient Greece. I think I will do well on the test, but as usual, I am always a little nervous on how I will do... I have to at least get an A!


3 Day Weekend

Three Day Weekend! Yes! We don't have school on Monday because of Columbus Day. This weekend is going to be pretty great because today at swim practice we only swim for an hour. Although, we have 5am practice tomorrow morning for making up for missing past practices... but I've heard it is really fun and you get donuts and chocolate milk, so it should be okay. And I would take this 5am practice any day instead of 6am practice every Saturday in cross country, so this isn't all that bad.
This Sunday is General Conference. I'm looking forward to it. I'm going to stay up the whole time, and actually listen!


The Presidenial Debate

I didn't get to watch the Presidential Debate last night... I feel like I live under a rock without cable! I really wanted to watch it though. My cousin has it recorded so I might go over soon and watch it.
I want Mitt Romney to win the election. I heard he did so well in the debate last night. ROMNEY!


Senior Night

Today is our last home meet of the season, and it is Senior Night! I actually am pretty excited for this meet because I only have to swim a 50 freestyle, and I love watching and cheering everybody on!
I bet this meet is bitter-sweet for the seniors... For some reason I feel like I will never graduate, like being a senior in high school seems so far away. I haven't known these seniors for a long time, but I can't imagine doing this for the last time!
Goooo Skyhawks!


Once I'm out of high school, I will be going to college. I don't know exactly where I want to go but I have a few places in mind. I want to go to EAC (Easter Arizona College) for my first two years, and then go to a University to graduate. It would be my dream come true if I got a scholarship or was accepted right after high school as a freshman in college to go to BYU Hawaii to play soccer. I'm 99.99% positive that that won't happen though. You have to be amazing at soccer to play in any college and I'm pretty sure I suck... haha oh well. I'll keep working. 



If it was my birthday next week and I could get any gift... I would just ask for gift cards. Definitely lame but I seriously am in need of a shopping spree. It's almost winter and I can't wait!
Also, today is October 1. October is probably one of the best months ever! It has Halloween, my best friend's birthday, and Homecoming Week. So, I am so happy October is here!