
Fast Week

This week has flown by! I seriously can't believe how fast it has gone, and I honestly feel really overwhelmed... So much to do, so little time! And as usual, I am stressing myself out, but at the same time, I'm not motivated to get anything done! UGH!
This weekend is super busy. The rest of this week (the only two days we have) is just me and my dad. My mom, sister, and brother went up to Utah because my brother and sister are at a job interview. So me and my dad just get to hang out! Not gonna lie, I'm pretty excited. It's fun to just hang out with alone for a change. I don't see him a whole lot anymore, not with him working and I'm always at swim.
I have the Tucson swim invitational this Saturday. All day. This meet I almost have a full schedule so I'm actually pretty nervous... Do your best forget the rest, right? Right... Then right when I get home, it is my friend Amanda's birthday party! I feel bad that I'm ditching my dad all Saturday but she has been planning this for months now... you're only sixteen once!

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