

This week has been so long. It was a decent week, but this is the first week in a long time that it was a full five days. For the past four weeks we've either had long weekends, or half days. So this five day week felt like it was never going to end! I'm not sure of my plans for this weekend, but it will probably consist of cleaning, family and homework... haha oh well. Not even going to lie, sometimes I don't mind doing anything on the weekends. I feel so busy during the week that it is really nice just to be lazy every once in a while.


Acts of Kindness...

You know what is really sad? I can't remember the last time I did something nice for someone. Where I actually had the intention to do something kind for someone other than myself. This really makes me want to do something nice for someone! I know I love it when someone notices I'm stressed our just acting crazy and they do something nice for me. Before this week ends, I want to do something nice for someone else.


Homework pills up...

Chemistry is going to be the death of me. Our teacher just assigns a million projects. We have three this week. They really aren't that difficult to do, but it is just busy work, and the homework really adds up when I have five other classes that have homework, too. I have paper due in World History Friday and I haven't even started... It should be really easy, but still! I just can't wait for this semester to be over already. I definitely need a break.


Sunrise Mountain

Well Monday always ends up coming around... Usually the Monday morning after Thanksgiving weekend is horrible, but today it actually isn't too bad! I went to bed on time, and woke up on time, too. Today is our first game against Sunrise Mountain. This is my first official varsity soccer game! I am really excited but I am a little nervous. I'm not too nervous right now, but I bet I will right before I step on the field. I don't think I'm starting today, but I know I'll get some playing time. Let's go Skyhawks!


PV Scrimmage

Yesterday was my first Varsity soccer scrimmage! We went against Paradise Valley High School. We did awesome! Last year we lost 3-0, this year it was 2-2! I'm  so proud of us, we have already improved so much from last year. I am so excited for this season, and to see where we go! Our first official game is this Monday against Sunrise Mountain. Let's go Valley!



Only one more day (not including today) left until we get out of school for Thanksgiving Break. I am so excited and I just want it to be here already! I love Thanksgiving so much. Its the best holiday... Eating a ton a food and spending time with your family. What is better?


Youth Conference

This weekend was really fun! This weekend was the long waited Youth Conference. Youth Conference is where youth from different stakes (regions) come together and interact with each other. On Friday is a carnival and there is games and food. Saturday was a service project and a religious meeting. Then Saturday night is ended with a dance. This Youth Conference was such a blast. I can't wait for next year! I'm actually really sad about this weekend ending. This is time for me to be corny, but it was such a perfect weekend... Luckily, it is only a three day week because of Thanksgiving!


Kids... and other randomness.

Okay, I don't even know what to write on these posts anymore... Mr. Larson is gone because his wife is having a baby girl! Congratulations to him, and their family! It's seems crazy to think about a family... Someday I'll be married and having kids... that is just weird.


3 Day Weekend

Coming back from a three day weekend is the worst. Since it is so close to Thanksgiving I just want it to be Winter Break already. Next week is Thanksgiving though so I am looking forward to it. It is only a four day week, and Friday is a half day. I have a huge project in Language Arts due Thursday, and I am so stressed out about it! We have to write a three page essay and do two other things. Like a poem or a "wordle". I'm just excited about being done with it so I can stop being so stressed out. Ughhhh


Language Arts

My favorite class is Language Arts with Mrs. Allen,  and I think it is also the most useful for me in the future. She teaches us how to write papers, and I will be writing papers a lot in college, so I think that will beneficial for me. I also really like that class because she teaches us about the real things in life, and that we should live life to its fullest. Kinda cheesy, I know, but she really is such a positive person. Her class is a great start to the day.


President Obama

President Obama was re elected yesterday. Another four years, here we go! I don't have much thought on the election... I'm just a kid; this election doesn't really affect me. Our country will just work with what we've got, and make the best of it.


The Election

All I hear about it is the election! I don't even have cable to see all the advertisements and commercials. Today is voting day, and I'm actually pretty excited to see who wins! I've heard it is really close, and honestly it will be kind of fun waiting to see who won. I really don't care who wins... I don't hate President Obama, and Mitt Romney seems like a good guy. If I could vote, I would probably vote for Mitt Romney because that is who my parents are voting for... Yeah, I know, I'm just listening to my parents. But what kid doesn't? When kids act like they know politics I honestly think it is funny. No, you don't know politics, your parents think they do, and you're just listening to them. I know I'm being harsh, and I'm sure some kids are actually involved with current events and have created some of their own opinions on politics, but some of the things I hear out of kids mouths, I'm like, You heard that on t.v., and you're just believing it because you have nothing else to back you up. Anyway, I could go on about this for quite a while, so I'll just stop here. :)


Color Me Rad

I ran the Color Me Rad race this weekend! It is a 5K and people throw colored chalk on you, and spray you with colored water... It was so fun! I ran it with my dad, sister, and brother. It was just an easy run, and a great way to start a Saturday. Although, I was so tired after I ran it... The day before soccer practice was so hard. The whole two hours we did conditioning. Sprinting, abs, lower back, everything imaginable... It was a great workout though!