
Impact on my life

Besides my family, the person who has had the biggest impact on my life is probably my church leaders. No one is particular, but they all have such great messages and meanings behind every lesson they teach at Sunday school. They make me realize the greater things in life and learn wisdom for everyday life. They may not know, but they are such great examples to me. They all have wonderful talents that make me want to improve myself.


Variety of President Elections

Do you think our country would elect an "ugly" person as president... I actually don't think so! Our country is so focused on the outer look on life. We are so focused on how we are representing our country, only on the looks part. We should care how we represent our country, but to a certain extent. If someone ran for president and they great and had all good intentions for our country and they weren't the best looking I'm not quite sure if we would elect them... Also, everyone has their own defintion of "ugly". I think no one is ugly and everyone is special. If someone ran for president who wasn't perfect (like everyone else) in looks but had great plans for our country I would vote for them.


Tempo Pace Cross Country Meet

Today is a cross country meet! Although, we are not running it like a real meet because we have a huge meet on Friday and our coach doesn't want us too worn out. So we are pretty much just running this meet like a tempo workout. I hope I can stay on pace, and maybe improve my time! Apparently I ran a minute slower than my first meet last Wednesday. GREAT! After a week I still didn't improve and I ran slower. So I am going to run on pace today. I really should get a watch so I can keep track of my time during the race. I need to get on that... I think this meet is far away so we get to have a long bus ride! I think they are really fun just hanging out with the team, so in a way I am kind of excited for later today.



Monday's are always off for me, it's always hard coming back after the weekend! Today is Tuesday... yesterday's practice was exausting. We ran 7 miles and I ran it harder than I usually do so when I got home I passed out. Nothing much is happening today, just cross country, school, and homework. Nothing new! So far today has been a good day, I hope nothing makes it bad.



This weekend was pretty good! Friday was seriously so fun! We didn't one thing at school and we just got to mess around. The school assembly was really cool, and cross country got to be in it. We had practice right after school and we got to play ultimate frisbee! It was so fun, and I got a really bad sunburn... That night I went to the football game and DV did great! We won, and we had a lot of great plays. Saturday night was homecoming, and it was fun. I don't think I will go next year or the years after, but I had fun. Nothing I wasn't expecting though.. it wasn't life changing. I'm not being a downer, because I for sure had a lot of fun! Monday's aren't the best..


TED Talk

I watched the video "Are we born to run?" by Christopher McDougall on TED. TED is a website where people can freely discuss topics on the web. My video was about the mysteries of running, how it started, and why we do it. And that is where the title comes in, are we born to run? Is that why we have always done it? McDougall discusses the unchanged Mexican tribe called the Tarahumara who use running as the tool to survival. As said, they are unchanged. They have been doing the same thing ever since the Stone Age. If they were running on barefeet for over 100 miles, then "can't" we? He thinks we should not focus on the modern thinking of running. If humans can do it before then so can we. People in the old days were not having constant feet, and other leg/ running injuries. I thought this was a great video! Since I like to run also, I could enjoy it and relate to it. He made a lot of great points! If someone has done it, then so can we! It got me pumped for cross country meet today. haha. I hope all goes well.. Go SkyHawks!
You can watch the video here. 

Test #2

1. The purpouse of the spot healing brush tool is used for blemishes on thes face, or certain imperfections you would like to remove.

2. When a tool is set at 0% opacity it will make the color you choose or setting completely see through.

6. The magic wand tool because it selects all the pixels of that specific color.

^here is the test!

School Spirit

I think dressing up for school spirit is fun, and it does show you have school spirit. If you like the school and the activities it sponsors then you are going to particapate! It is wuite obvisious... if you hate the school (I hope no one feels that way)then you aren't going to show school pride by dressing up! I always do it because I like having the excuse for dressing stupid and preparing outfits with friends.


Spirit Week!

This week is spirit week! And today is cave man/cave woman day. I am doing all the days!
Monday- Super Hero Day (I was Superman)
Tuesday-Flintstone Day (I am Pebbles)
Wednesday- PowerRanger Class Color Day (Freshaman are green.. me and some friends made shirts!)
Thursday- Mulitpilicity Day (Girls in my church are gonna wear our camp shirts)
I am so excited for homecoming on Saturday, and I don't have my dress yet.. I probably should get on that! My cross country meet is tomorrow... go skyhawks!


Thee Weekend.

This weekend was pretty good! Friday was super fun. Cross country was awesome because our coaches weren't there so we all were going crazy and doing our own thing! :) Then I went to football game and a lot of my friends were there so it was a blast! On Saturday morning I had cross country-as usual. 6am. ergghhh- and it actually went pretty well. We worked on speed and I was so proud of myself, I improved my time everytime I did 400x. Let's just say I was happy with the practice.. my meet is on Wednesday. Hopefully it will go well!


Red Robin. YUMMM!

My favorite place to eat is probably Red Robin! Red Robin freaking rocks. Their fries are fantastic, and their ranch is delicious! I also am a huge fan of burgers and sandwiches and that is what they are mainly known for. I am an 100% American girl. I am always down for a milkshake and a good burger. Give me that, and I'm good.


Tempo Miles!

Yesterday was just a normal day. Nothing really stuck out to make it special or suck really bad. Although, I did have some homework I should've done and I didn't! And I need to make up some compound sentences for Ms. Dimiao's class.. I did so bad on them. I got 4/10. I was like really?! I thought I did okay, guess not! Also, cross country practices on Wednesday are my least favorite. We usually do tempo mileage. A tempo is where you have to run a mile in a given amount of time. Me, Jacob, Darren, and Josiah had to run 8:30 for every mile. We had two miles, took a five minute break and then ran two more. It actually wasn't too bad. I have learned it is much easier to run with somebody. You don't have to focus on setting a pace. You can just run with them! I love Thursday and Friday practices because they are recovery days. YAYYY :)


My plans after high school.

I definitely have plans after I finish high school. I want to go to college. I want to go to EAC (Eastern Arizona College) for my first two years and go to BYU Hawaii to graduate. Things I may want to major in are in weather (meteorology, right?) or become a dentist or an orthodontist. I think it would be awesome to be a storm chaser! I think weather is so cool, and I've always wanted to be in a tornado. Also, after high school I wanna have a family and be married. It doesn't matter to me when though, whenever I meet the right guy.


Miracle Monday!

Today is a journal entry... yesterday was just a usual Monday. Everything went surpirsingly well, and luckily I didn't have any homework! Also, I did so well on my test that I didn't have to review with the rest of the class and retake it. So therefore I recieve extra credit :) yayyy. But I thought I needed to post about this, the lunch lines are terrible! I hate how I have to wait in the line for more than half of my lunch period and then I have only 5 minutes to eat. It really bothers me! So I am starting to bring my lunch now.. Yesterday we ran 7 miles at practice! The weather was so nice, I was so happy!


Adobe Highschool cross country meet...

This Saturday was my first cross country meet! It was an invitational so there were so many people there. Cross country has been all over the place for me because it is so different from middle school. The intensity has increased by like a million! What we ran for the race last year is doubled this year. Instead of running 1.5 miles we are running 3. The meet was really fun and our team did awesome! Seriously  all of our guys did amazing at the end of the race. Everyone at least past one or two people within the last 100 meters. I am excited for how this season will go.


Test #1

1. to take certain parts out of pictures
5. no idea
8. the ruler is used for measuring parts of the picture
11. Some of the tools on photoshop are really confusing, but I usually can figure them out. For the test some of the tthings I don't even remember going over! Although, I think I did pretty good.. let's hope.

Friday Friday.

Today is Friday! I swear, I have like a million tests today. I have one in this class, Biology (which is next hour...), and in Language Arts. I am doing nothing tonight, because I have to go to bed early for my first cross country meet tomorrow! I am kinda nervous, but I know it is the first meet so I know it isn't that big of deal if I do really well. Since it is the beginning of the season you are not expected to get your best time. What sucks though is since we only have three girls in the meet we don't score. So we are pretty just running for a time. DV needs more cross country girls! I'll probably blog about my meet tomorrow, so till then...


Adobe Photoshop

These are my first tries on Adobe Photoshop... I thought it was going to be very simple. MOST FRUSTRATING SOFTWARE EVER! But it is very cool.

The most important thing in my life...

The most important thing in my life besides my family is my gospel/religion. I really can't imagine my life without it. I have been raised in the religion LDS since I was first born, and I know I would be a different person if I didn't have it. I don't fully understand everything and somethings are a complete mystery, but with faith I know I can accomplish anything.    


To Vote or Not Vote...

When I turn 18 I am totally going to vote! I am all about supporting our country. You may not be able to make a complete difference, but every vote counts. Also, if you want something to happen then you have to vote for or against it. I hate when people complain about certain laws or just our government in general. Oh really, you don't like it here? Then vote or move to a different country. Problem solved.

Adobe Premiere Movie Maker

This was my first movie I made on this software...

*this is pretty much just a slide show of random pictures :)



I have been absent for two days. I was gone Thursday and Friday. I probably have so much work to make up. I am not too excited for that. I can say right now I am never going to miss two days of school! It's like a new world, crazy how things can change in two days.

Three day weekends are the best. I love being able to stay up late and do what I like on Sunday nights. But what sucked is I had practice at six in the morning on Monday. So I didn't get to sleep in... which was a bummer. But I was able to take a nap which makes it all good!