
TED Talk

I watched the video "Are we born to run?" by Christopher McDougall on TED. TED is a website where people can freely discuss topics on the web. My video was about the mysteries of running, how it started, and why we do it. And that is where the title comes in, are we born to run? Is that why we have always done it? McDougall discusses the unchanged Mexican tribe called the Tarahumara who use running as the tool to survival. As said, they are unchanged. They have been doing the same thing ever since the Stone Age. If they were running on barefeet for over 100 miles, then "can't" we? He thinks we should not focus on the modern thinking of running. If humans can do it before then so can we. People in the old days were not having constant feet, and other leg/ running injuries. I thought this was a great video! Since I like to run also, I could enjoy it and relate to it. He made a lot of great points! If someone has done it, then so can we! It got me pumped for cross country meet today. haha. I hope all goes well.. Go SkyHawks!
You can watch the video here. 

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