
Tempo Miles!

Yesterday was just a normal day. Nothing really stuck out to make it special or suck really bad. Although, I did have some homework I should've done and I didn't! And I need to make up some compound sentences for Ms. Dimiao's class.. I did so bad on them. I got 4/10. I was like really?! I thought I did okay, guess not! Also, cross country practices on Wednesday are my least favorite. We usually do tempo mileage. A tempo is where you have to run a mile in a given amount of time. Me, Jacob, Darren, and Josiah had to run 8:30 for every mile. We had two miles, took a five minute break and then ran two more. It actually wasn't too bad. I have learned it is much easier to run with somebody. You don't have to focus on setting a pace. You can just run with them! I love Thursday and Friday practices because they are recovery days. YAYYY :)

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