
Finals for Days

I have so many finals today. I had a test today in Language Arts on Les Miserables. Thankfully, it was the last test on the book. I get so stressed about the reading and tests... she grades so hard on the tests and I did not do very well on two of them... sigh. I just hate tests in general. Today I have my chemistry, and world history final and then just a regular geometry test. I'm just hoping I don't fail them! I really wanted straight As this semester but I doubt that is going to happen. This was such a stressful semester! I can't wait for it to end to already... can I say that about hundred more times?


Announcement Final

So, we just found out yesterday that the Intermediate Media group doesn't have to do the green screen movie final. Honestly, I am so relieved! I have absolutely no time to create a movie with all of my other classes. So now we just have to do the announcements every day for the rest of the week. We have to perfect them, and get them done on time. It will be really easy *phew* . The last two weeks of the semester have been so stressful... With soccer and piano, I feel like I have no time for anything... I have a recital this weekend so I have to practice piano this week. Ugh, I just am looking forward for this semester to be over!


Media Final

You know, I have no idea what I'm doing for my final in this class! I feel like I have no time at all to do this in class. We have to do the filming at home, and then bring it in to class the next day. I'm not very good at editing videos so I am not looking forward to doing this... I don't even have my story board ready. Cool.


Cactus and Desert Edge

We played Cactus and Desert Edge yesterday. I got to play both games the whole time! I played left defense. I think I played okay... Whenever I mess up I feel like everyone gets so frustrated with me... Although, I totally understand where they're coming from! I'm defending the goal and everyone is freaking out trying to get it away from the goalie. I just get mad at myself, too! I wish I was a lot better than I am so I feel frustrated when I'm constantly messing up. My coach keeps putting me in though so I must be doing alright. We tied Cactus 1-1 and won again Desert Edge 1-0. We play Centennial today at six. I am trying not to get nervous for this game, but I am. We lost 5-0 to them last week, and they are really good. Although, we were playing really bad. I think we were all really nervous and just kicking the ball. Seriously, no one made one pass. It was pretty embarrassing. But I think we'll play a lot better than we did last week.


Deer Valley Soccer Tournament

This week mainly consists of soccer, soccer, and more soccer. We have six games this week! Yesterday we played Alhambra, and we won! The score was 3-0! It was such a great start to the week, and we played so well! We definitely took initiative on passing and talking to each other. I got to play the whole game, and I think I did pretty well. I was so glad we were able to play with a clean slate... First win of the season, and I'm hoping we'll be able to keep it up for the rest of the week!
Our annual Deer Valley Soccer Tournament starts today! We play two games today. We go against Cactus Shadows and Desert Edge. Thursday we play Centennial and on Friday we play the third winner of all the teams. This week is pretty freaking busy, and I'm hoping I'll be able to stay on top of homework and piano practice.


Media Productions Final

For the final in this class we have to make a driving scene using a green screen. I have no idea what I'm going to do yet... In all honesty, I am actually kind of confused about this project. I guess we'll just go with the flow and see how it goes.


I hate homework weekends.

My weekend consisted of cleaning and homework... Just as I expected! The beginning of the weekend was actually pretty great. I babysat Friday night, and my dad and I saw Life of Pi and went out to In-N-Out Burger. I love hanging out with my dad! I don't get to see him except at night so I like any chance of hanging out with him. Life of Pi was such an amazing movie! I loved it so much. Definitely one of my new favorite movies. But Saturday and Sunday I pretty much cleaned, did homework, and was with my family. Not the worst weekend, but also not the most eventful.