
Deer Valley Soccer Tournament

This week mainly consists of soccer, soccer, and more soccer. We have six games this week! Yesterday we played Alhambra, and we won! The score was 3-0! It was such a great start to the week, and we played so well! We definitely took initiative on passing and talking to each other. I got to play the whole game, and I think I did pretty well. I was so glad we were able to play with a clean slate... First win of the season, and I'm hoping we'll be able to keep it up for the rest of the week!
Our annual Deer Valley Soccer Tournament starts today! We play two games today. We go against Cactus Shadows and Desert Edge. Thursday we play Centennial and on Friday we play the third winner of all the teams. This week is pretty freaking busy, and I'm hoping I'll be able to stay on top of homework and piano practice.

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