
Cactus and Desert Edge

We played Cactus and Desert Edge yesterday. I got to play both games the whole time! I played left defense. I think I played okay... Whenever I mess up I feel like everyone gets so frustrated with me... Although, I totally understand where they're coming from! I'm defending the goal and everyone is freaking out trying to get it away from the goalie. I just get mad at myself, too! I wish I was a lot better than I am so I feel frustrated when I'm constantly messing up. My coach keeps putting me in though so I must be doing alright. We tied Cactus 1-1 and won again Desert Edge 1-0. We play Centennial today at six. I am trying not to get nervous for this game, but I am. We lost 5-0 to them last week, and they are really good. Although, we were playing really bad. I think we were all really nervous and just kicking the ball. Seriously, no one made one pass. It was pretty embarrassing. But I think we'll play a lot better than we did last week.

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