
Comfort or Challenge?

If I had to choose between a job that payed the same, but one was challenging and the other was easy-going, I would take the challenge. Why? If I'm going to be doing this job for a while I don't want some boring job that takes no work ethic what so ever. I want to work hard for my payment!


Future Car

When (and if) I can get car that is completely of my choice I would get a vintage car. A fifties truck, mustang, etc... I love anything vintage.


Last Day

If I knew this was my last day to live I would first not go to school. I would spend time with my friends and family and my most loved ones! I wouldn't do anything absolutely insane because that would waste my time with the ones who I really care about. I would do the things I love doing, being with my family & friends, laughing, smiling, etc, etc...


Storm Chaser

If I could choose any job, and it didn't matter my income, I would definitely be a storm chaser! I know, it is a little bit random, but weather has always intrigued me so I would love to be in the middle of it! Also, I have always wanted to be in a moment of crisis! That sounds INSANE but that sounds so cool to me! Honestly, I have sincerely thought about being a weather chaser. I don't know if it would ever follow through but I would want to at least be involved with the weather.


Elementary School

You know, I really enjoyed my time spent in elementary school! I had a lot of great teachers and there I met the majority of my best friends. When I think about elementary school I mainly remember just having fun, and silly memories!



This weekend was really fun! My friend Maddy had a surprise birthday fiesta Saturday night and it was a blast! We wore sombreo's and ate taquitos, chips and salsa, and drank Spainish smoothies! I think she was really happy about us holding her a surprise party. I hope she had fun because I know I did!
While I was sad this weekend was over so quick, this school week should be fun! It's winter spirit week because Winter Formal is on Saturday. I'm not going, but I'll find something fun to do!



I think it is really hard to break a habit that runs in the family. And that is why I think that some adults who have children really shouldn't be parents and should treat the future responsibly! If you grew up with your parents not caring for you, not trying to build a relationship with you, maybe even physically or verbally abusing you, then how much would you know about the positive things about parents? If that is all you know then how do you think you are going to treat your children? I am not saying people can't change who they want to raise a family but things usually run in the family line and it must be hard to break! How could it not? I think it would...

The qualities (I think) good parents have are encouraging, supportive, loving, caring, loyal, open minded, and many others! No parent is perfect and that is life, but if you're trying to be a good parent then I think that is enough. Although, a lot of parents try to make home a loving place but they can't. They get too caught up in their personal problems. That is really hard for them to go through them along with their kids having to deal with it. Every kid wants to love their parents, but to get through life you have to endeavour.


TED Talk 6

1) Clay Shirky, he studies technology and the effects it can have on our society.

2) Clay Shirky went into detail about the new bills SOPA & PIPA. SOPA and PIPA would be censorship the the Interent. SOPA and PIPA were created in order to stop people from stealing, sharing, and producing things on the Internet. The companies on the Internet feel as if their work isn't getting the credit it deserves.

3) This talk did change the way I think. For both sides. Internet censorship definitely has pros and cons.
PROS: It isn't fair for people who are trying to make a living off the internet and people are "sharing" their work and getting their products for free.
CONS: It isn't fair to the people who aren't stealing and have to deal with rude people who can't respect people who are trying to make business!

It was an off day...

Yesterday was definitely not one of my best days. I was feeling so sick! I have never felt that sick before. I felt nauseous, dizzy, my stomach was in horrible pain, and I kept going between cold and hot sweats. And to top that off, I had a game against Moon Valley. I went home after sixth hour because I seriously thought I was going to die. I took a lot of medicine and took a nap, and I was actually feeling a lot better! At first I didn't think I was going to play though because I didn't know if they sickness was going to come back after a little while. I decided I would play, so I quickly road my long board to the school and played! I was so happy I decided to play. My team was relying on me and I needed to be there! Yesterday's game was crazy because my coach played me as a forward, I have never played forward before! It was really nerve wracking but I think I did pretty good for it being my first time! We have a game today against Barry Goldwater (the second time this week) and I don't know how we are going to do today because Kaitlyn (one of our best players) quit. Or that is what people on the team are saying. I really hope that is not the case...



When people retire I do think they have a lot of time on their hands but they are probably still really busy! Both of my Grandparents are retired and I know they are still doing something. My dad's parents usually visit my aunt and uncles and their grandchildren. My mom is an only child so her parents were usually taking care of my great grandmother and running errands. Even though people are retired, they have lives too!


Future Presidential Election

I am not sure what this next presidential election has in store for our country! I honestly don't keep up on politics very much so I don't even have an opinion of this next election.


Farthest I've been from home

I really don't travel a lot but the farthest I have been from home is Washington. My Dad's oldest uncle lives in Washington so we went to visit him. Actually that whole North West area, because the majority of my family lives there. So, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Utah...


Closest Relative

I don't really have a closest relative! I am really close with all of my family and I love them all. Of course there are more I spend more time with than others but I don't like one more. Although, I am really close with my brother Jarom. He drives me INSANE sometimes but I can tell him and trust him with anything. You could describe him as stubborn, funny, caring, nice, and sincere. He can be really stupid but I love him! He is really easy to talk to and I like the way he treats people. He is always really nice to everybody and he doesn't care who they are. He isn't mean to anybody.


Improving myself as a student this semester

My semester can be more successful if I come prepared to learn. I think that is the only guidline you honestly need. If you are prepared to learn then you WANT to learn and you will make an effort to your education. You'll come prepared and pay attention in class.


New Year Resolutions

This year I have a lot of things I want to change in my lifestyle. Most of my goals for this year include
-don't procrastinate
-stay in touch and build a better relationship with my Grandparents
-increase my personal church studies
-stay positive
-gain patience
-develop my talents

I am pretty confident I can make these goals this year!


2011 Winterbreak

This Winterbreak was really fun! It was so nice having all my family home for the holiday's. This break mostly consisted of staying up really late, waking up really late, many QT trips, movie watching, and hanging with friends! My sister Maddi is going to BYU Hawaii so all Saturday and we helped her pack. It took SO LONG. Although, we were messing around a lot so I think that is why it took so long.. ha ha. She left yesterday at 4:30am. She arrived in Hawaii 3:30pm our time but it was 11:00am in Hawaii. I am so excited for her and can't wait till I finish high school because that is where I want to go!
This is the first day back at school. Randomly I have a different Biology teacher, and I am so annoyed! I am going to do everything I can to get back into Jaegar's class! And I'm not going to know anybody in that class... great.