
TED Talk 6

1) Clay Shirky, he studies technology and the effects it can have on our society.

2) Clay Shirky went into detail about the new bills SOPA & PIPA. SOPA and PIPA would be censorship the the Interent. SOPA and PIPA were created in order to stop people from stealing, sharing, and producing things on the Internet. The companies on the Internet feel as if their work isn't getting the credit it deserves.

3) This talk did change the way I think. For both sides. Internet censorship definitely has pros and cons.
PROS: It isn't fair for people who are trying to make a living off the internet and people are "sharing" their work and getting their products for free.
CONS: It isn't fair to the people who aren't stealing and have to deal with rude people who can't respect people who are trying to make business!

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