
It was an off day...

Yesterday was definitely not one of my best days. I was feeling so sick! I have never felt that sick before. I felt nauseous, dizzy, my stomach was in horrible pain, and I kept going between cold and hot sweats. And to top that off, I had a game against Moon Valley. I went home after sixth hour because I seriously thought I was going to die. I took a lot of medicine and took a nap, and I was actually feeling a lot better! At first I didn't think I was going to play though because I didn't know if they sickness was going to come back after a little while. I decided I would play, so I quickly road my long board to the school and played! I was so happy I decided to play. My team was relying on me and I needed to be there! Yesterday's game was crazy because my coach played me as a forward, I have never played forward before! It was really nerve wracking but I think I did pretty good for it being my first time! We have a game today against Barry Goldwater (the second time this week) and I don't know how we are going to do today because Kaitlyn (one of our best players) quit. Or that is what people on the team are saying. I really hope that is not the case...

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