
Late Start

What was my AIMS experience? Sleeping in! All freshmen and upperclassmen who passed AIMS get a late start today and tomorrow. Let me tell you, it was amazing. I loved sleeping in and for once I wasn't exhausted in the morning!


PMTA's 60th Annual Ensemble Concert

This weekend I performed in the PMTA's 60th Annual Ensemble Concert! Ensemble is a duet on the piano but more than one group is playing it. My song was Fanfare Celebration and I was the opening song! This was my second year doing it, and I really enjoy it. I seriously love the piano and hopefully I can get better at it...


Propaganda #2



information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.
Propaganda is used everywhere, everyday. Advertisements, even what  your friends are saying is propaganda! Whenever someone is putting their opinion on you and giving reasons why it's the best, it's propaganda. 


3D Studio Room post #2

So, here it is. Nothing special, but I think it is pretty good for my first time doing something like this!


If I could buy any electronic device this moment I would buy an iPhone. They can do practically anything! Call, text, take pictures, go on the internet, etc. They're also really simple and easy to figure out. In my dreams though, I don't have the money for that. *sigh*


3D Studio Room

This project was really fun. It was a step up from what we usually do... I loved making everything look 3D and add gradients. I seriously love special effects. It gives just about everything a little more personality. Although I am kind of nervous to see how I did! Mine is clean cut and looks nice, but I couldn't think of what else to add to it. And some of the other people's projects are legit. They look totally awesome. I'm just excited to see what we do with them, I think we are going to green screen them or something cool.


Three Day Weekend

It was a three day weekend! This weekend was really fun. I had my friend Megan's "surprise" birthday party. Megan found out that it was a surprise party the day of! We had her good for a while.. ugh oh well. We all still had a blast but I wish it would've been a real surprise...
On Saturday me and my parents went and visited my nana. I love seeing my nana, I really don't see her enough so I'm always excited to see her. She is such a happy lady and we always have a good time. I love her! Later on Saturday me and some friends went to a church dance... eh, what can I say it was fun. But I have definitely been to better. The first dance I ever went to was awesome. There were so many people there and everyone was dancing and enjoying themselves. I'm not being a complainer, just stating the facts.
I'm already wishing it was the weekend. Luckily this week is one day shorter!


Favorite Band/Music

Just like everyone, I go through phases. Sometimes I really like one band and they are all I listen to and sometimes I absolutely hate them and automatically change the song when it comes on. But the band I can always listen to is YellowCard. My favorite album that they've had is Ocean Avenue. I just love their music because they have great lyrics, and they have a really cool sound. It can be really calming and peaceful and other times it can be a little bit of a harder sound.. not hard core rock though.


Growing up with sports

I always grew up playing sports.. and it wasn't even competitive. I was just always outside playing and my parents signed me up for a few teams. I think you should sign your kids up for sports to see what they enjoy doing. You should sign them up for more then sports of course but you should just make sure your child has a hobby and loves it. It doesn't matter what it is.


Valentine's Day

If I like Valentine's Day is neither here nor there... I don't really have a specific opinion on this day. It is really cute to see happy couples with dozens of red roses and big balloons but people who aren't in a relationship always throw the biggest fit. Just like any holiday, you're still in reality. Life doesn't change just because maybe for 12 hours of the day someone isn't giving you excessive attention. I just wish people would stop talking in extremes.. "I hate Valentine's Day!", "I love Valentine's Day!", or the most annoying "I'm so upset that I don't have a valentine this year...". Honestly, please get over yourself! Just respect the holiday and go on with life because majority of the world already has.


TED Talk #8

1. Erik Johansson

2. Photographing "impossible" moments

3. Erik Johannson is a professional photographer and he takes pictures of things that can't be seen in true reality. So it isn't "capturing the moment" like most photographers say, he thinks "capture the idea". Erik's ideas that are "impossible" aren't necessarily impossible but you don't see them in life. You can't go up and take these pictures in an everyday scene.

4. Erik Johannson's talk did really change the way I think of the world... maybe not to that extent but it does make me think about some things like imagination and creativity. I love the arts and his pictures are simply beautiful. They have something really different about them that makes you think, "Could that really be real?". He has a really modern sense of style. Which I love.

Here are some of his pictures. Go to his website!


Republican Candidates

Republican candidates... according to this website, Mitt Romney is in the lead! I want Mitt Romney to win the election but I don't really care in the end. I don't know enough about politics to have my own official opinion. I don't even really understand some of the vocabulary they use because I've never heard it before and it's all about the formal ways of politics.. which is not my forte. I can't believe President Obama has been president for four years already! Time seriously flies.


Tie Day

Today is Tie Day! For math if you where a buttoned-up shirt and a tie you get five extra credit points for your next test. I was not going to pass that opportunity up so here I am at school in a dress shirt and tie. I really don't mind...


Green Screen

This is my first try at using the chroma key (green screen) technique in Media Productions!


My favorite birthday memory... I don't really have one. My birthday's are usually really fun. It doesn't matter what I'm doing because most of the time I'm with my family and friends and that is what makes it fun.



I actually didn't watch the Superbowl this year... lame, huh? I wasn't interested in any of the teams so I really didn't care who won... My brother and my dad watched while I watched He said, She said. There will be no man like Kevin Bacon... *sigh*


TED Talk #7

1. J.K. Rowling
2. J.K. Rowling spoke at one of the graduations at Harvard University. Her three main points were: the fringe benefits of failure, importance of imagination, and friendship. She went into detail about how failure gives you the opportunities to step into someone's shoes. That it can create humility for your position in life. Imagination is important too because it protects you. Maybe you won't have the same experience as failure as others, but through imagination you don't need the real life visual. You are open-minded enough where you can think for yourself. And finally she concluded with friendship. True friends are always there and she said to not take advantage of people.
3. Her impression during her speech was sincere and caring. I think she really cares about education and the essentials of life. She wants the best for society, and once in her life she was one of the anxious college graduates who wants someone to feel for them. 


Media plays about every role in today's society. In this generation we are so connected with technology (which ties in with media) that it has an impact on everybody. Media is everywhere! It's on the t.v., internet, billboards... and they are always providing a message. Not always positive, not always negative.


Day off

I love having random days off for school! This day off was nothing spectacular but it was still a great day! I babysat in the morning for about two hours, which is nice because one, I really like this family and two, I get a little bit of money. The rest of the day consisted of me helping my friend Sara's older sister Rianna prepare for Mr. DV! Mr. DV is a boy beauty pageant that our school holds every year. It is just a joke but it is really funny and entertaining to watch the boys mess around.