
Three Day Weekend

It was a three day weekend! This weekend was really fun. I had my friend Megan's "surprise" birthday party. Megan found out that it was a surprise party the day of! We had her good for a while.. ugh oh well. We all still had a blast but I wish it would've been a real surprise...
On Saturday me and my parents went and visited my nana. I love seeing my nana, I really don't see her enough so I'm always excited to see her. She is such a happy lady and we always have a good time. I love her! Later on Saturday me and some friends went to a church dance... eh, what can I say it was fun. But I have definitely been to better. The first dance I ever went to was awesome. There were so many people there and everyone was dancing and enjoying themselves. I'm not being a complainer, just stating the facts.
I'm already wishing it was the weekend. Luckily this week is one day shorter!

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