
TED Talk #7

1. J.K. Rowling
2. J.K. Rowling spoke at one of the graduations at Harvard University. Her three main points were: the fringe benefits of failure, importance of imagination, and friendship. She went into detail about how failure gives you the opportunities to step into someone's shoes. That it can create humility for your position in life. Imagination is important too because it protects you. Maybe you won't have the same experience as failure as others, but through imagination you don't need the real life visual. You are open-minded enough where you can think for yourself. And finally she concluded with friendship. True friends are always there and she said to not take advantage of people.
3. Her impression during her speech was sincere and caring. I think she really cares about education and the essentials of life. She wants the best for society, and once in her life she was one of the anxious college graduates who wants someone to feel for them. 

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