
TED Talk #8

1. Erik Johansson

2. Photographing "impossible" moments

3. Erik Johannson is a professional photographer and he takes pictures of things that can't be seen in true reality. So it isn't "capturing the moment" like most photographers say, he thinks "capture the idea". Erik's ideas that are "impossible" aren't necessarily impossible but you don't see them in life. You can't go up and take these pictures in an everyday scene.

4. Erik Johannson's talk did really change the way I think of the world... maybe not to that extent but it does make me think about some things like imagination and creativity. I love the arts and his pictures are simply beautiful. They have something really different about them that makes you think, "Could that really be real?". He has a really modern sense of style. Which I love.

Here are some of his pictures. Go to his website!

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