
Graphic Design Principles

proximity- related items that should grouped together.

alignment- things shouldn't be abruptly placed. Anything on the page should somehow be connected.

repetition- repeating alike fonts, icons, color, etc.

contrast- if two items are not the same make them extremely
different, this will give interest to your page.

balance- evenly balanced items on your page. Nothing overpowering another.

white space- use white space to prevent from cramping and clutter.

the golden rectangle- the perfect rectangle. 3x5 or 5x3

elements of design- the building blocks of all designs; lines | shapes | mass | texture | color.

line- a form with width and length but no depth. give certain suggesting motion qualities.

emphasis- giving something dominance to draw attention to that -certain item.

rhythm- repetition of visual movement of the elements (color, shape line, value, form, shape, space, and texture). Movement and rhythm work together to keep things exciting.

variety- contrast to harmony and unity. Uses differences in object to show CONTRAST.

unity- where the whole composition works together. Consistent theme to the piece.

shape- space inside lines creating a shape or object.

forms- describe volume and mass.

texture- surface quality given by the paintbrush.

proportion- the relationship between the relative size of objects on the picture.

perspective- arrangement of objects that are two dimensional making them look real.

pattern- random repetition to enhance surfaces.

harmony- pulls the pieces of a visual image together. It can be achieved through repetition and rhythm.

gestalt- the entire piece is more important than any of it's elements.

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