
Parental Schedule

Since I am (used to be) always late for school and never have a lunch packed by 7:20am my mom and dad are making me go to bed every single night at 9:00pm and wake up at 5:45am. Let me say, I don't mind! I love sleeping. Why I was staying up so late before was because I had homework and I would always get distracted and sooner or later, it was already 10:00! Although, I hate being under their rule! They have me on this freaking schedule now. I have to get ready with the clothes I'm wearing to school, so right at 7:20am I can leave no matter what I have done. I have to eat breakfast and make my lunch right when I wake up. It gets so annoying!! I've only been doing this since Monday and I hate hearing my mom tell me what to do. ha ha. I can say, I've had so much more energy and haven't been as grouchy lately. Although, it has been forcing me to do my homework right after school. It's nice, but I hate homework! Oh, my mom changed my Facebook password so I can't get on right after school, and my texting is off. YAY

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