

I hate Monday's. They are always the hardest mornings to wake up on, and are always so slow. I have a really bad head ache today and I just feel like my head is pounding. All I want to do is go home and sleep. All summed up as, do nothing. Which you can't do at school. Also, at cross country practice today we do long distance and everyone is so much faster than me so I have nobody to run with. Last Wednesday was JV's last practice and I miss all my JV guys! They were my running buddies and now I have no one to run with. I love varsity team but I never can keep up with them. I'm the only freshman girl and every girl has had at least one year of doing cross country so they are used to everything, and they are really good. Just a couple more days until cross country is over, I'm trying to make the best of it.

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