
Earliest Memory

I'm not sure what my earliest memory is.. I have a really good memory of pretty random things. Like, there isn't a memory where it all starts. I can remember things from when I was really little but I don't think it starts at any particular age.



I have four pets. I have one dog (Copper), two cats (Satin & Frisco), and a bird (Blush). I wish I had one more dog. I absolutely love dogs! They are so fun to have around the house and they're adorable! Another thing I really like about them is that they are so loyal. They are always happy to see you even when you're in the worst of moods. Personally, I think the best breed of dogs in Golden Retrievers. They are so peaceful and good with kids. Copper is a Golden and he is such a good dog. I love my cats too, but I'm more of a dog person... but with my pets I love them all the same. I guess my bird is okay but he makes such a mess in my room! They take a lot of responsibilty and at times I feel like I don't do a good enough of a job.. but he drives me NUTS sometimes.



1) Who gave the TED talk? Christien Meindertsma

2) What was it about? The products that are made out of pig.

3) Did the talk persuade you to change the way you think? Why or why not? I suppose it did.. in certain degrees. It made me realize that there are probably many things in this world that I have no clue in which they are created from! Also, that there are many ways that a pig can be used in this world, but it is very sad. I don't like the way we treat our animals used in the farming departments. They provide so much for us and we treat them cruelly! They are living things and we should treat them they way we treat ourselves. With royalty.

Thanksgiving Part II

This Thanksgiving was really fun but really different. Our group was so small because my two sisters and cousin are gone. Although, my brother's best friend Duncan came along so that was really fun! Our church plays football Thanksgiving morning and we have doughnuts and juice in the morning. Again, this year wasn't as fun because my sister's and cousin weren't there. We left to my Nana's around 12 and got there around 1245. We all took a nap because we were exausted and my Nana started cooking for the big dinner. At like 130 Me, Duncan, and Jarom went long boarding. I am addicted! It is so much fun. I love the feeling of wind blowing through my hair, and it almost feels like you're flying. I'm starting to get the hang of it the more and more I ride so that's cool. Since my sister's are in China we made them a video of what we did so they didn't miss out on all the fun. My mom recorded us doing some cool hills on our longboards The video turned out awesome! The weekend went really fast, and made me anxious for winter break!


Thanksgiving Eve

The title just makes me laugh! Me and my dad for every minor holiday (Thanksgiving isn't but just keep reading..) are always like : " It's Easter Eve!" or "It's Saint Patrick's Day Eve!" He texted me that this morning while I was at school and it seriously made my day. I love my dad, he is so funny.
Thanksgiving is weird this year! We usually have all six of us (Mom, Dad, Courtney, Maddi, Jarom, and me), our favorite cousin Marcie, Nana and Papa, and my Gigi. Since my two sisters are in China and my cousin is in Korea, we are kind of slacking this year! It's still going to be fun but I really miss everybody. And, it is usually at our house but instead we are going to my Nana's and we are having Christmas Eve here at our house. I don't really care, just as long as I'm stuffed to the extreme and I'm with my family it's all good. My brother's best friend Duncan is celebrating this year with us because he can't miss work and his parents are going out of town. So this weekend should be really fun!
Jarom and Duncan both got jobs at Hollister. Jarom thinks he is so cool now.. just kidding. But he is cool! Who just strolls in and gets a job on the spot? My brother. He gets everything half off now, which is nice but that place is still expensive. Also, they can only wear Hollister clothes. Dumb?  Yeah.
Happy Thanksgiving to all. 

I'm thankful for...

In reality I'm thankful for just about everything. There are so many things that I'm so lucky to have, and some people would die to have. But I'm most thankful for my family and the gospel. I wouldn't be the same person if they weren't in my life. I love my life with them and I can't get any better.


Longboard !

So I've wanted a long board ever since seventh grade. I went and visited my sister in college and her friend had a long board and my sister taught me had to ride and I was automatically in love. I was saving up for one for a really long time but it was Christmas time and I needed to get everybody a gift. Soo. That was a bummer, but for my birthday my mom said she was going to get me a longboard (because I wanted one soooo bad)and it just came in yesterday! I am so excited and I love it! I cannot wait till I can ride all over town.

This is it!



The best part of thanksgiving is the food! Everybody knows that... But I seriously love everything about Thanksgiving. I love being with my family. We can be doing anything and we always have a blast. Black Friday is pretty cool too because there is always really awesome sales. Our church holds a little "Turkey Bowl" and we all go play football Thursday morning. This year isn't going to be as fun though because my two sisters and favorite cousin aren't going to be here. I miss them all so much and I can't wait till they come back!


What would you do with a million dollars?

If I had one million dollars I would first pay for college, even though I'm still in college... I'd probably just put all of it in savings. Or hide it so the bank couldn't screw me over. Actually, I'm not really sure because it will never happen


Slowest Week Ever..

Today is pajama day! Yayy! This week I've been waking up at 7:00am EVERY SINGLE MORNING and it has been terrible so I'm lucky that it is spirit week so I don't have to worry about looking decent... This week has been fun but it seems like it is going SO SLOW, it needs to hurry because I am so excited for this weekend! On Thursday night I'm seeing the midnight premiere of Breaking Dawn with some friends and then Friday through Saturday my church is having a whole weekend dedicated to the youth.


31-derful Years of Deer Valley

This week we are celebrating 31 years OF Deer Valley so we are having a spirit week and an assembly on Friday. Monday was 80s Day because that was decade we were in when the school first opened. Today is 90s day but technically it is Little Kid day because we were little kids when the school was being run during the 90s. Tomorrow is 2000s Lazy Generation, pajama and/or scrub day. Thursday is Career Day, and Friday is Blue Out Day. I love spirit week.. don't know what I'm doing Thursday though.


Teacher Letter

I didn't mind writing the letter.. I guess it was okay, I realized a lot of the learning theories that I like or don't like. My teachers are really awesome this year so I am really grateful for my schedule, some of the teachers my friends have don't sound the best so I'm happy with what I got.


Dear Teacher(s)...

 There are several ways that a student can learn but I usually like to stick with one or two ways. Sometimes if I see too many ways I end messing myself up, or think I'm doing something wrong.
 Some of the main ways I respond to teaching is the excitement to learn, or sometimes frustration. At times I get really annoyed when I don't fully understand something... I think, why don't I understand this? Why? Although I've learned that when you try something new you aren't going to rock the first time, you got to go out there and get it. Anything is achievable through hard work.
 Tests are sometimes really difficult for me. Especially math. On the review or in the homework I'm doing great, then when it comes to the test my mind is blown. For language arts and socials studies, I do great! I have great memory and those are my two favorite subjects so things click easily in my mind. Science is a hit or miss for me. Most of the time I understand the material, but sometimes I am clueless.
 I honestly don't mind homework. What I hate is when it is piled on you like crazy. I tend to get stressed very easily when I get overwhelmed. I want teachers to consider all the other classes were taking along with theirs. I'm not saying some teachers don't, but some are really annoying and only think about them. I hate that... you're not the only important subject in the world!
 Education is pretty important in my family. My dad is my role model and I'm almost positive he's the smartest person in the world (kidding.. but he's pretty smart), so he gets to help me out with all of the harder subjects. Math, Science, and writing papers in Language Arts. I am so grateful I have someone to help me out when I'm struggling and loosing every ounce of hope that I'm smart. My brother is really smart too! He helps me out a lot. All I can say is that I have a great environment out of school that encourages me to do my best.
 Things that make learning fun and interesting are discussions. I love public speaking and I like hearing what the teachers have to say. They know their facts when it comes to their subject, so I want to hear it. Also, it gives students the chance to speak up without feeling like there are making anybody slow their pace to just be respectful and listen to them. There really isn't a learning that I completely dislike. The days I fall asleep or I am really not into it is when I'm just having a bad day. Anything new and creative sounds cool to me, teachers should try new things to keep things fun!
 Thanks for teaching and keep up the great work.


Something I like about myself is I usually am a positive person. I try to see the best of things even when things are really hard or difficult. Of course there are plenty of time where I really am grouchy but majority of the time I try to stay as happy as possible.


Exercise 1

Ways to use a paperclip.
Hold papers together, earrings, braceletts, magnetic pick-up thing, if you straighten it out you can use it to poke a small hole open, necklaces, use them for creating the alphabet, get into small areas, weigh something small, to write a straight line, make a GIANT paperclip, use it to poke somebody, and straighten it out and use it to make s'mores.

Ken Robinson Talk

The main points of Ken Robinson's talk on the development of education is pretty self explanatory. It was talking about education then and now. He was saying how we are trying to make all of our children learn the same way and they are loosing their individuality. He was also saything that we overthinking just about everything. For example, how we think kids who can't always focus automatically have ADHD, and that they should get medical attention right away.


GIF Project

I thought the GIF prject was pretty cool, although it was kinda hard. I think you can do a lot of things with photoshop, but I don't get how! All the tools are so confusing and I hate working with it majority of the time.


Good Monday... for once.

Today has actually been a pretty good day! ... So far. I was ready on time, I packed a lunch, and I don't look all that bad! The weather is beautiful today. Although, I am a little cold. I only wore a tank top under my sweat shirt and that was a stupid idea because it is cold outside! I'm not complaining though because we never get weather like this.

First GIF on Photoshop...

This is my first GIF I made on Photoshop. Enjoy!



Deer Valley Football is going to state this year! This is great news because our team has never been good, and this year we have gone practically undefeated. Also, it's a home game so I'm pumped!
Tomorrow is the state meet for cross country and my two friends Erin & Miranda made it to state. They are going to do awesome. Me and some friends from the team are going to the meet to support our girls. I'm excited to see how they do! This is Erin's senior year so I know she is gonna rock! Good luck to my girls.


JV or Varsity?

Today is the day where we find out if we make JV or Varsity for the soccer team. I know for a fact that I will not be making Varsity, but I'm excited to see who makes the JV team so I can start building a relationship with my team! Seriously, I am so excited for this season. I think it is gonna be blast.


Soccer Tryouts

Today soccer tryouts are supposed to be really hard. Yes, I'm in shape but soccer is a different type of running then cross country. Soccer is a lot of sprinting, cross country is still really fast but not as fast, and it's long distances. Oh well, I'm just going to work my hardest! I would love to make varsity but I know it won't happen. I'm just not good enough. Yet.


Imagine- The Beatles

If I could change one thing in the world it would be how little of peace we have. I just wish everybody could get a long. People wouldn't hate each other for having different thoughts, we wouldn't fight over land, we could share all the supplies needed for life, etc, etc. The list goes on and on! All war does is continue to make countries and governments bitter with each other, and kill so many people! Nobody deserves to die in that horrible way. I just wish we could all love each other.