

I have four pets. I have one dog (Copper), two cats (Satin & Frisco), and a bird (Blush). I wish I had one more dog. I absolutely love dogs! They are so fun to have around the house and they're adorable! Another thing I really like about them is that they are so loyal. They are always happy to see you even when you're in the worst of moods. Personally, I think the best breed of dogs in Golden Retrievers. They are so peaceful and good with kids. Copper is a Golden and he is such a good dog. I love my cats too, but I'm more of a dog person... but with my pets I love them all the same. I guess my bird is okay but he makes such a mess in my room! They take a lot of responsibilty and at times I feel like I don't do a good enough of a job.. but he drives me NUTS sometimes.

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