
Dear Teacher(s)...

 There are several ways that a student can learn but I usually like to stick with one or two ways. Sometimes if I see too many ways I end messing myself up, or think I'm doing something wrong.
 Some of the main ways I respond to teaching is the excitement to learn, or sometimes frustration. At times I get really annoyed when I don't fully understand something... I think, why don't I understand this? Why? Although I've learned that when you try something new you aren't going to rock the first time, you got to go out there and get it. Anything is achievable through hard work.
 Tests are sometimes really difficult for me. Especially math. On the review or in the homework I'm doing great, then when it comes to the test my mind is blown. For language arts and socials studies, I do great! I have great memory and those are my two favorite subjects so things click easily in my mind. Science is a hit or miss for me. Most of the time I understand the material, but sometimes I am clueless.
 I honestly don't mind homework. What I hate is when it is piled on you like crazy. I tend to get stressed very easily when I get overwhelmed. I want teachers to consider all the other classes were taking along with theirs. I'm not saying some teachers don't, but some are really annoying and only think about them. I hate that... you're not the only important subject in the world!
 Education is pretty important in my family. My dad is my role model and I'm almost positive he's the smartest person in the world (kidding.. but he's pretty smart), so he gets to help me out with all of the harder subjects. Math, Science, and writing papers in Language Arts. I am so grateful I have someone to help me out when I'm struggling and loosing every ounce of hope that I'm smart. My brother is really smart too! He helps me out a lot. All I can say is that I have a great environment out of school that encourages me to do my best.
 Things that make learning fun and interesting are discussions. I love public speaking and I like hearing what the teachers have to say. They know their facts when it comes to their subject, so I want to hear it. Also, it gives students the chance to speak up without feeling like there are making anybody slow their pace to just be respectful and listen to them. There really isn't a learning that I completely dislike. The days I fall asleep or I am really not into it is when I'm just having a bad day. Anything new and creative sounds cool to me, teachers should try new things to keep things fun!
 Thanks for teaching and keep up the great work.

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