

1) Who gave the TED talk? Christien Meindertsma

2) What was it about? The products that are made out of pig.

3) Did the talk persuade you to change the way you think? Why or why not? I suppose it did.. in certain degrees. It made me realize that there are probably many things in this world that I have no clue in which they are created from! Also, that there are many ways that a pig can be used in this world, but it is very sad. I don't like the way we treat our animals used in the farming departments. They provide so much for us and we treat them cruelly! They are living things and we should treat them they way we treat ourselves. With royalty.


  1. Sooooo i got that megan meade book you suggested and so far i LOVE IT!!! im already prediciting whats going to happen. At first i was totally team evan but now that im 78 pages in i can tell it has to be finn!! Cause hes ya know sensitie and nice and offered to pick up her tampons. What a classy kid. Thanks for he suggestion :)

  2. I'm glad you're liking it! That is one of my favorites. Ahh yeah Finn ;) And your welcome!
