
Finals for Days

I have so many finals today. I had a test today in Language Arts on Les Miserables. Thankfully, it was the last test on the book. I get so stressed about the reading and tests... she grades so hard on the tests and I did not do very well on two of them... sigh. I just hate tests in general. Today I have my chemistry, and world history final and then just a regular geometry test. I'm just hoping I don't fail them! I really wanted straight As this semester but I doubt that is going to happen. This was such a stressful semester! I can't wait for it to end to already... can I say that about hundred more times?


Announcement Final

So, we just found out yesterday that the Intermediate Media group doesn't have to do the green screen movie final. Honestly, I am so relieved! I have absolutely no time to create a movie with all of my other classes. So now we just have to do the announcements every day for the rest of the week. We have to perfect them, and get them done on time. It will be really easy *phew* . The last two weeks of the semester have been so stressful... With soccer and piano, I feel like I have no time for anything... I have a recital this weekend so I have to practice piano this week. Ugh, I just am looking forward for this semester to be over!


Media Final

You know, I have no idea what I'm doing for my final in this class! I feel like I have no time at all to do this in class. We have to do the filming at home, and then bring it in to class the next day. I'm not very good at editing videos so I am not looking forward to doing this... I don't even have my story board ready. Cool.


Cactus and Desert Edge

We played Cactus and Desert Edge yesterday. I got to play both games the whole time! I played left defense. I think I played okay... Whenever I mess up I feel like everyone gets so frustrated with me... Although, I totally understand where they're coming from! I'm defending the goal and everyone is freaking out trying to get it away from the goalie. I just get mad at myself, too! I wish I was a lot better than I am so I feel frustrated when I'm constantly messing up. My coach keeps putting me in though so I must be doing alright. We tied Cactus 1-1 and won again Desert Edge 1-0. We play Centennial today at six. I am trying not to get nervous for this game, but I am. We lost 5-0 to them last week, and they are really good. Although, we were playing really bad. I think we were all really nervous and just kicking the ball. Seriously, no one made one pass. It was pretty embarrassing. But I think we'll play a lot better than we did last week.


Deer Valley Soccer Tournament

This week mainly consists of soccer, soccer, and more soccer. We have six games this week! Yesterday we played Alhambra, and we won! The score was 3-0! It was such a great start to the week, and we played so well! We definitely took initiative on passing and talking to each other. I got to play the whole game, and I think I did pretty well. I was so glad we were able to play with a clean slate... First win of the season, and I'm hoping we'll be able to keep it up for the rest of the week!
Our annual Deer Valley Soccer Tournament starts today! We play two games today. We go against Cactus Shadows and Desert Edge. Thursday we play Centennial and on Friday we play the third winner of all the teams. This week is pretty freaking busy, and I'm hoping I'll be able to stay on top of homework and piano practice.


Media Productions Final

For the final in this class we have to make a driving scene using a green screen. I have no idea what I'm going to do yet... In all honesty, I am actually kind of confused about this project. I guess we'll just go with the flow and see how it goes.


I hate homework weekends.

My weekend consisted of cleaning and homework... Just as I expected! The beginning of the weekend was actually pretty great. I babysat Friday night, and my dad and I saw Life of Pi and went out to In-N-Out Burger. I love hanging out with my dad! I don't get to see him except at night so I like any chance of hanging out with him. Life of Pi was such an amazing movie! I loved it so much. Definitely one of my new favorite movies. But Saturday and Sunday I pretty much cleaned, did homework, and was with my family. Not the worst weekend, but also not the most eventful.



This week has been so long. It was a decent week, but this is the first week in a long time that it was a full five days. For the past four weeks we've either had long weekends, or half days. So this five day week felt like it was never going to end! I'm not sure of my plans for this weekend, but it will probably consist of cleaning, family and homework... haha oh well. Not even going to lie, sometimes I don't mind doing anything on the weekends. I feel so busy during the week that it is really nice just to be lazy every once in a while.


Acts of Kindness...

You know what is really sad? I can't remember the last time I did something nice for someone. Where I actually had the intention to do something kind for someone other than myself. This really makes me want to do something nice for someone! I know I love it when someone notices I'm stressed our just acting crazy and they do something nice for me. Before this week ends, I want to do something nice for someone else.


Homework pills up...

Chemistry is going to be the death of me. Our teacher just assigns a million projects. We have three this week. They really aren't that difficult to do, but it is just busy work, and the homework really adds up when I have five other classes that have homework, too. I have paper due in World History Friday and I haven't even started... It should be really easy, but still! I just can't wait for this semester to be over already. I definitely need a break.


Sunrise Mountain

Well Monday always ends up coming around... Usually the Monday morning after Thanksgiving weekend is horrible, but today it actually isn't too bad! I went to bed on time, and woke up on time, too. Today is our first game against Sunrise Mountain. This is my first official varsity soccer game! I am really excited but I am a little nervous. I'm not too nervous right now, but I bet I will right before I step on the field. I don't think I'm starting today, but I know I'll get some playing time. Let's go Skyhawks!


PV Scrimmage

Yesterday was my first Varsity soccer scrimmage! We went against Paradise Valley High School. We did awesome! Last year we lost 3-0, this year it was 2-2! I'm  so proud of us, we have already improved so much from last year. I am so excited for this season, and to see where we go! Our first official game is this Monday against Sunrise Mountain. Let's go Valley!



Only one more day (not including today) left until we get out of school for Thanksgiving Break. I am so excited and I just want it to be here already! I love Thanksgiving so much. Its the best holiday... Eating a ton a food and spending time with your family. What is better?


Youth Conference

This weekend was really fun! This weekend was the long waited Youth Conference. Youth Conference is where youth from different stakes (regions) come together and interact with each other. On Friday is a carnival and there is games and food. Saturday was a service project and a religious meeting. Then Saturday night is ended with a dance. This Youth Conference was such a blast. I can't wait for next year! I'm actually really sad about this weekend ending. This is time for me to be corny, but it was such a perfect weekend... Luckily, it is only a three day week because of Thanksgiving!


Kids... and other randomness.

Okay, I don't even know what to write on these posts anymore... Mr. Larson is gone because his wife is having a baby girl! Congratulations to him, and their family! It's seems crazy to think about a family... Someday I'll be married and having kids... that is just weird.


3 Day Weekend

Coming back from a three day weekend is the worst. Since it is so close to Thanksgiving I just want it to be Winter Break already. Next week is Thanksgiving though so I am looking forward to it. It is only a four day week, and Friday is a half day. I have a huge project in Language Arts due Thursday, and I am so stressed out about it! We have to write a three page essay and do two other things. Like a poem or a "wordle". I'm just excited about being done with it so I can stop being so stressed out. Ughhhh


Language Arts

My favorite class is Language Arts with Mrs. Allen,  and I think it is also the most useful for me in the future. She teaches us how to write papers, and I will be writing papers a lot in college, so I think that will beneficial for me. I also really like that class because she teaches us about the real things in life, and that we should live life to its fullest. Kinda cheesy, I know, but she really is such a positive person. Her class is a great start to the day.


President Obama

President Obama was re elected yesterday. Another four years, here we go! I don't have much thought on the election... I'm just a kid; this election doesn't really affect me. Our country will just work with what we've got, and make the best of it.


The Election

All I hear about it is the election! I don't even have cable to see all the advertisements and commercials. Today is voting day, and I'm actually pretty excited to see who wins! I've heard it is really close, and honestly it will be kind of fun waiting to see who won. I really don't care who wins... I don't hate President Obama, and Mitt Romney seems like a good guy. If I could vote, I would probably vote for Mitt Romney because that is who my parents are voting for... Yeah, I know, I'm just listening to my parents. But what kid doesn't? When kids act like they know politics I honestly think it is funny. No, you don't know politics, your parents think they do, and you're just listening to them. I know I'm being harsh, and I'm sure some kids are actually involved with current events and have created some of their own opinions on politics, but some of the things I hear out of kids mouths, I'm like, You heard that on t.v., and you're just believing it because you have nothing else to back you up. Anyway, I could go on about this for quite a while, so I'll just stop here. :)


Color Me Rad

I ran the Color Me Rad race this weekend! It is a 5K and people throw colored chalk on you, and spray you with colored water... It was so fun! I ran it with my dad, sister, and brother. It was just an easy run, and a great way to start a Saturday. Although, I was so tired after I ran it... The day before soccer practice was so hard. The whole two hours we did conditioning. Sprinting, abs, lower back, everything imaginable... It was a great workout though!


Life never stops spinning, does it?

This week is going to be crazy... It's soccer tryouts and I have a huge chemistry project due in a week. As soon as I think my life is going to slow down for a while, it speeds up again! I feel stressed all the time lately, I just don't know how to calm down. Or anything that I can escape with, I just can't find time for it in my schedule. Hopefully this week will go by quickly?


Parent Teacher Conference

I think the last time my parents went to Parent Teacher Conferences was in elementary school... I always forget to tell my parents about it anyway. Since it isn't mandatory, why should they go? I guess they might want to meet my teachers... I would never know though because they don't go!


Two Half Days

Today is the last full day of this week... thankfully! We have half days on Thursday and Friday. On Friday I get to miss seventh hour because we have Region that day. I'm so excited for swim to be over so I can finally start soccer! Soccer is my favorite sport and I've been waiting for it to start ever since it ended last year...


Out of Highschool

They are so many things I want to do out of high school... I will be going to going college and I want to do this program called ILP. ILP stands for International Language Program. With ILP you can go to a selection of countries and teach children how to speak English. You don't have to have a degree, and it really isn't that expensive. It sounds like such an amazing experience to travel, and to interact with kids.


A Not So Homecoming Weekend...

So, last week was homecoming week and it was a blast! I'm sad it ended already.... This weekend was our homecoming game and the dance. I went to the game, but not the dance. Instead, I went to Laser Tag with a few of my other friends who didn't go to Homecoming. I had a lot fun! I think I might go to Homecoming next year, but this year I just wasn't up to it. It sounded like a lot of fun, but last year was LAME because I didn't know everyone in my group very well so it was kind of awkward... But now I know a bunch of people so it should be really fun at the other dances. :)



Propaganda is advertising a product so people will buy it. There are many ways of using of propaganda... There is specific types of propaganda. The one I am most familiar with is "Band Wagon". Advertising uses this like : "Everyone is doing it!" convincing you that it is the best thing to do, and you should do it because everyone else is doing it.



I love wearing pink for Breast Cancer Awareness! I forgot today though :( It shows we support and love the people who are suffering with cancer.


Fast Week

This week has flown by! I seriously can't believe how fast it has gone, and I honestly feel really overwhelmed... So much to do, so little time! And as usual, I am stressing myself out, but at the same time, I'm not motivated to get anything done! UGH!
This weekend is super busy. The rest of this week (the only two days we have) is just me and my dad. My mom, sister, and brother went up to Utah because my brother and sister are at a job interview. So me and my dad just get to hang out! Not gonna lie, I'm pretty excited. It's fun to just hang out with alone for a change. I don't see him a whole lot anymore, not with him working and I'm always at swim.
I have the Tucson swim invitational this Saturday. All day. This meet I almost have a full schedule so I'm actually pretty nervous... Do your best forget the rest, right? Right... Then right when I get home, it is my friend Amanda's birthday party! I feel bad that I'm ditching my dad all Saturday but she has been planning this for months now... you're only sixteen once!


Greek Test

I have a test today in World History on Ancient Greece. I think I will do well on the test, but as usual, I am always a little nervous on how I will do... I have to at least get an A!


3 Day Weekend

Three Day Weekend! Yes! We don't have school on Monday because of Columbus Day. This weekend is going to be pretty great because today at swim practice we only swim for an hour. Although, we have 5am practice tomorrow morning for making up for missing past practices... but I've heard it is really fun and you get donuts and chocolate milk, so it should be okay. And I would take this 5am practice any day instead of 6am practice every Saturday in cross country, so this isn't all that bad.
This Sunday is General Conference. I'm looking forward to it. I'm going to stay up the whole time, and actually listen!


The Presidenial Debate

I didn't get to watch the Presidential Debate last night... I feel like I live under a rock without cable! I really wanted to watch it though. My cousin has it recorded so I might go over soon and watch it.
I want Mitt Romney to win the election. I heard he did so well in the debate last night. ROMNEY!


Senior Night

Today is our last home meet of the season, and it is Senior Night! I actually am pretty excited for this meet because I only have to swim a 50 freestyle, and I love watching and cheering everybody on!
I bet this meet is bitter-sweet for the seniors... For some reason I feel like I will never graduate, like being a senior in high school seems so far away. I haven't known these seniors for a long time, but I can't imagine doing this for the last time!
Goooo Skyhawks!


Once I'm out of high school, I will be going to college. I don't know exactly where I want to go but I have a few places in mind. I want to go to EAC (Easter Arizona College) for my first two years, and then go to a University to graduate. It would be my dream come true if I got a scholarship or was accepted right after high school as a freshman in college to go to BYU Hawaii to play soccer. I'm 99.99% positive that that won't happen though. You have to be amazing at soccer to play in any college and I'm pretty sure I suck... haha oh well. I'll keep working. 



If it was my birthday next week and I could get any gift... I would just ask for gift cards. Definitely lame but I seriously am in need of a shopping spree. It's almost winter and I can't wait!
Also, today is October 1. October is probably one of the best months ever! It has Halloween, my best friend's birthday, and Homecoming Week. So, I am so happy October is here!


Senior Pictures

This weekend my brother is getting his senior pictures done in Tucson, from one of our friends Cherise Glauser. She takes the coolest pictures, and I can't wait to see how they turn out! After swim practice,  me, my mom, and my brother are driving up to Tucson. We're spending the night, and coming back in the morning. This weekend should be fun... I guess. It would be so much better if I didn't have freaking seven World History essays to write this weekend. Darn you procrastination.


Future Children...

One thing that I will make my children do, even if they don't want to do it, is probably play piano. I won't make them do it the whole time they live with me, but I will make them try it out for a couple years. I think playing an instrument is really good for people. It's proven that people who play instruments have a certain way of thinking... haha I don't know, it's just something I've heard. I hated piano for awhile, but then I gave it a better attitude and now I absolutely love it. Everyone should be given the opportunity to try it.


Intro Video

We're finally done with filming the introduction video for the announcements... and now there is absolutely nothing to do. We can't start the announcements until all the equipment is here, and we've practically perfected the tri-caster. It's just the same thing over and over again.... I still like this class I just wish there was some fun, new, crazy project for us to do. It's just a routine...


Busy Week

This week is crazy! I have so much homework due. I have seven essays due to next Monday in World History. I feel like I'm never going to start, or finish! I feel so overwhelmed and I don't even know where to begin... This stress isn't comforting AT ALL because it is only my sophomore year! Great. I'll being doing just great my next two years in high school.



When the heck did it become Thursday?! This week went by seriously so fast. I have so much to do, and so little time (and motivation) ! Not going to lie, I am thrilled that it is already Thursday. I love when the week goes by fast. This weekend should be really fun because tonight I get my haircut, and it is finally Thursday! You know what that means.... Perks of Being a Wallflower! I don't know if I'm going to be able to go because I have quite a lot of homework, and I have no idea if my mom will let me. Oh well, I can go sometime this weekend! Tomorrow we are having a swim party. Also, I get to sleep in because I don't have swim on Saturday. It's going to be a great weekend!



A time where I've spoken what's on my mind would be when I was talking with my mom awhile ago. My mom and I get along pretty well, but we definitely fight... We were talking and we pretty much just talked everything out. We aren't perfect now but I would say that I feel a little better with her. Even I just was bothered with her last night... oh teen and parent fights.


Perks of Being a Wallflower

The movie Perks of Being a Wallflower comes out this Friday! By that time I have to finish the book, and get tickets. I am so excited! I've been waiting for this movie for what seems like forever. Some of my favorite actors (Logan Lerman and Emma Watson) are starring in the movie so I am so stoked. Me and my sister are going to midnight premiere. WOO HOO!



Difficult Problems

Just like everyone, whenever I run into a difficult situation, all I want to do is run away. Although, I do not do that. How I usually handle it, is it's all I think about for the longest time. I go through every possible outcome, and how it would affect me. Would I be happy later? Am I making the right choice, over the easiest option?


Out of Phoenix

My most recent trip when I wasn't in Phoenix was when I went to Tempe sometime over the summer... I don't always remember when I go out of Phoenix because I go out quite a lot. My Nana and Papa live in Tempe so we visit them often. My little trip I remember most vividly right now though is when I went to ASU Main Campus with my sister this summer. We walked around campus and got her schedule all figured out. I don't think I'll ever go to ASU but their campus is beautiful! It looks super fun just to walk around for a day. They have a bookstore, and plenty of cool places just to hang out and study.


First Swim Meet

So... I haven't swam in a swim meet since sixth grade. So I'm pretty nervous for today! Also, I might be swimming backstroke. I really don't care how I do, I just don't want to completely embarrass myself. Although, I shouldn't worry about that either! I should just do my best, and forget the rest. I'll totally torture myself if I'm only worrying what other people are thinking. I'm doing this for me! No one else.



I know 9/11 was totally unexpected. I know that it was planned.
9/11 was something that was totally unfair. They killed thousands of innocent people. I feel like there was no rational thinking in their plan. I've heard that their God told them to do it. I still don't think that justifies it... I've heard some people think it does.
I also know a lot of loved ones lost their lives because of it, and that it broke a millions of people's hearts.
I know all the people who fight terrorism today are our heros.


Clone Stamp Tool

The clone stamp is used to take on section of a picture, and copy it on to another picture.


This weekend will be good.

Rain is always so fun at school for some reason! Rain is already amazing but I just love it at school... Friday+Rain= Great Day. I just know.
So this weekend is going to be grand! Tomorrow is $8.95 all-you-can-eat pasta at Olive Garden! I'm for sure making an apperance there... Will you tell me who wouldn't?! It's amazing.
Saturday night is my friend Jenetta's surprise birthday party! Shhh! I'm so excited! This is also a success because she has no idea.



Discipline is receiving consequences for your actions... or I would think that it can be taking responsibility for you, and what you need to do.

Without discipline, I feel like you will have no motivation and self responsibility. If you can't think ahead, and come to terms with what you really need, then I don't know how far you are going to go. With discipline you can take charge, and make smart decisions.



Masks on photo shop allow you to combine two pictures by having two pictures (or layers) sitting on top of each other. You can change the mask itself with the marker and eraser tools.


To do cross country, or not...

My cross country is  pretty intense for a high school sport. He is an okay person, but we definitely have some personality differences... He is always especially harsh on me and my brother on the rules and regulations. Yesterday, he kicked my brother off the team. This whole season I really have been hating cross country. I've been trying to like it, but he puts way too much pressure on me... My parents were really upset that brother got kicked off the team, so they are letting me decide if I want to keep doing it. I honestly don't want to, but I feel like I'm letting my team down. Today after school I am going to swim practice to try it out, but I'm nervous I'm going to hate that too! Ughhh I really don't know what to do right now...



Something interesting about the sub... Well, given the fact that I barely just met her and I can't really hear what she is even saying, therefore I didn't hear her name, I don't know anything interesting about her! I bet she is a really cool lady, but I'm afraid in these 55 minutes of this class I won't get to experience that for myself.



All we've been talking about in school is mission statements! I feel like I have the conversation in every single class. For the past week. Although, for this class, we're building a poster around a theme... I guess that is a little different. If I were the one to choose the theme we built the poster around it would be: Diligent working.
It's generic, but in this class you can learn whatever you want. With hard work you can practically accomplish whatever you want in this class.



Most important person, more like whole? I would say my family is the most important thing in my life. They're important to me because they are the people who will always be there for me. There is no backing out because we're blood ;). But it's seriously true though. That is the awesome thing about family. They're not like friends who just come and go through time. Your family is there for you for everything and forever. My family is the best, and they definitely mean the most to me.


One Subject

If I had to pick one subject at school that I liked most would probably be this class! I've been doing math, language arts, and social studies for what seems like my whole life, and this class is so new and fun that it is my absolute favorite. I think later in my life I actually want to keep doing something along these lines for my career.


Ward Campout

Every year our church holds a ward camp out, and that was this weekend! Every year my family goes a day early and sets up. This year was really fun because all of my got to go, unlike last year when I went up with my cousins. Other than that, this weekend was pretty chill. It shouldn't have been because I got to school today and realized and had a lot of assignments due, that I didn't do, so that was not cool.


New Rule

If I could add one new rule to the school... I honestly don't even know! My new rule would be that I could change rules... haha. I really don't like how early school starts. I'm always so exhausted! I just wish it started at 8:30am-9:00am. It's still in the morning, but it isn't so early!


♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

There are so many bands that I really like... Sometimes my favorite band will change through out time because sometimes I get sick of hearing the same genre. For example, for quite a while now I've been listening to a lot of Indie Rock and Alternative. I think of all genres that is my favorite. I like the variation of fun and happy to slow and peaceful. My favorite bands right now are Florence + The Machine,Vampire Weekend, and Foster the People.



Soccer is my all time favorite sport. I'm not the best player on the time (in the slightest) but I just love playing the game! It such a fun thing to be apart of. You're always active, and I love being in a sport where I actually have team and we have to work together. Besides playing it, I also really like watching it. I like that I know what is going on in a sport, for once.


Mitt Romney and Barack Obama

To be completely honest, I don't know much about the presidential candidates... I know it isn't a great thing, but I usually just go off what my parent's opinions are. But from just this quick research, here are some of my own opinions.
If I could vote, I would vote for Mitt Romney. Like I said before, this is somewhat off my parent's thoughts, but I do think I would vote for him anyway. Since Mitt Romney is LDS (like me) I agree with some of his tactics he plans to take if he wins the election. There are some things about President Obama that I particularly don't like, such as, the new Heath Care program and him deciding on letting the immigrants stay in the United States. If we have to pay taxes to live, then every one else should too. I believe in fairness, all around.


Early Morning Cross Country Practice...

Pros and Cons to 5:00am cross country practice:

  • Not having to work out after school
  • Having a good start to your day
  • Having more time for friends and homework after school
  • Waking up at 4:00am 
  • Going to sleep earlier
  • Getting ready at school
  • Messing with original routine 
 While there is more Cons than Pros, the morning practice isn't all that bad... Motivation of the day, long nap right when I get home!


First Blog of 2012...

School's back! This summer went by way too fast, and I'm sad that it ended so quickly but I am actually really excited for this year. I love all my teachers and classes (especially this one!). I can't wait to start  filming the announcements this year and getting better with using the Tri-Caster.

My best and most vivid memory of just this year (only two days) is my geometry class. I have a lot of friends in that class and I already know that it is going to be fun. I like my teacher a lot, she is really cool and doesn't seem to have over the top rules, so I think we should get a long really well.


Summer Movies 2012

There are so many awesome movies coming out this summer! Here are a few that I know I will be seeing.

The Dark Knight Rises- Who doesn't love Bat Man? This movie intrigues me because I have an obsession with super heroes. I just love them. This movie looks epic, can't wait!

Brave- This movie is about a little red head who stands up for what she wants! It looks adorable and is set in Scotland. They have Scottish accents which are legit. They remind me of Great Uncle. He doesn't have an accent but he can do the best impersonation.

The Amazing Spider Man- Okay, so I have to see this because my super hero obsession. Also, Spider Man happens to be my favorite hero. Although, I love the original movies with all my heart so I don't know how well this one will compare. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone are in this and they are great actors, so hopefully I will like this. I think I will!


How do Thursday's always feel like a Friday?

Seriously^. Especially this Thursday... This morning felt like one of those morning where I was relieved, "Last morning getting up! Then the weekend, yes!". Wrong. I still have tomorrow, and all next week. This week has gone pretty fast but not fast enough! I really would love it if it were next week already. Or maybe the weekend. I really just want to sleep. And possibly clean my room.. ugh



To make sure the substitute has a good experience today I will make sure to be cooperative, have good behavior, and be polite! This substitute is really nice, from what I've heard at least, and so far she is exactly what everybody has said. I hope she has a good day, and no one gives her trouble...



Summer is seriously so close! We only have seven more days left. I cannot wait. I am in need of some serious supplies for summer though! Which includes: a swim suit, summery clothes, and definitely some tanning lotion and make up. This summer I will swimming, hanging with friends, running, and eating. So excited! So close... Stay positive!



What have I been doing to prepare for finals? Truth is that not a lot of my teachers have said much about finals... In this class I don't have to do a final because me, Andrea, and Katie are working with the Tri Caster. In math we are currently working on a final group project so I guess that counts... In Language Arts I have a business letter to write, in Seminary I have a scripture mastery test... So overall I am just studying away and trying to trigger my knowledge. I really want to do well on my business letter because right now I have an 88 in that class and I want straight A's for this semester (I got all A's last semester)! So hopefully finals week will go well.



Yesterday was actually a really good day! I usually like Thursday's a lot because they are low-key, and it is only one day away from Friday (the weekend, my motivation to get through the week....)! The school day consisted of a singing, math review questions, technology, biology, lunch, and Romeo and Juliet. The really fun part of the day was at night. My great Uncle Johnny came to Phoenix for some of this week so he came and visited us last night. We went down to Tempe Marketplace (which is the coolest place ever! Wish I lived there) and ate at Red Robin (YUM!). The food was seriously delicious, and I ate way too much. Later, we walked around Tempe Marketplace and got ice cream at Cold Stone. Then we just enjoyed our dessert and talked in these cute little chairs by the store. Johnny told us a lot about our family... I never realized how unique my family is! He told us about his dad, my great great Aunt Jackie (who just passed away a few months ago, I couldn't go the funeral with my dad), and so much more. I seriously wanted to stay and listen to him tell me stories all night but it was a stupid school night so we had to go home.


This Week's Assignments...

Me, Katie, and Andrea are working on perfecting the "morning announcements". I put that in quotations because we haven't even started them yet! Well, at least officially. We haven't gotten all of the needed equipment for us to go through the whole process. We are taking this class next year and hopefully by then we will have all the tools to do it! I am so excited!



So you know how breakfast is the most important meal of the day? I can actually agree to that now! So, I got up and made a semi-decent breakfast (toast and oatmeal) and I have been so energized and ready for the day! I need to make breakfast more often..



Some days I really like SET, and other days I really don't care for it... I love SET when I have to finish a project, or I have homework, and best of all when I have nothing and I can just hang out with friends... Although, today I had to go to choir for a stupid council meeting and it was super boring and awkward none of my friends are in the council.


Super Power

If I could have any super power, what would it be? This is such a hard question! There is so many super powers to choose from, which are all awesome I might add. But my favorite powers are super speed, and flying.


Summer Job

This summer I really want a job, but I'm not old enough to get one! Places don't start hiring until you are at least fifteen and I'm not fifteen till August 3rd (pretty much the end of the summer..). Although, Chick-Fil-A starts hiring at fourteen so I may apply there. We'll see!


Fast Food

The last fast food place that I have eaten at was McDonalds. Although, I only had an icecream cone and fries so whatever...



What I look forward to most when I can move out is my increase in my own freedom, it's not like my parents have me in a living jail but I will have more freedom then I have now. I'll be on my own, making my own decisions, paying for my own things.. it is going to be really different but I'm definitely excited for college.


Summer 2012

I am so excited for this summer! This summer I am mainly just going to running cross country pre-season, hanging with friends, and summer camps. I am going to be soaking up the sun with the people I love most so I'm pumped.


End of the Week!

Friday's are always great days! Classes are care-free (at least most of the time) and everyone is so excited for the weekend. This weekend is going to be really fun, I am doing this race called "The Warrior Dash" with my brother, sister, and dad on Saturday and then tonight I am babysitting with one of my really good friends Maddy! Also, I might be going to this Western Dance for church so I'm pretty excited :)


School Year Coming To An End...

This year went by so fast! Although, I have a feeling this last month of school is going to go by slowly... I only have two more weeks left of track! Yay! I seriously am so exicted for summer.. only one more month, stay positive...


California Choir Trip

This weekend was so long, but was a total blast! Our choir went to California for a Choral Festival and then we went to DisneyLand! This trip was so much fun because I made some new friends and it was one of my really good friend's first time ever being to DisneyLand. I'm still so tired and I'm really looking forward to this weekend (already!), it is going to be a really long week.



This week's spirit was, "Are you cereal?". So today the assembly to sum up the week was, "No, I'm Milk!". It was actually really creative and an overall fun-filled week. I am so excited for this day to be over because tomorrow choir goes to California for a choir festival and then all Saturday we go to DisneyLand! I am so excited, I haven't been to DisneyLand in what seems like forever, and I can't wait to go back! Hoorrraay! Can you tell I'm excited?


Class Color Day

Today is class color day for spirit week! Freshman are red, sophomore's are green, junior's are blue, and senior's are purple! Some friends and I made red tye-dye shirts together, and we are all wearing red lipstick! Today is last Wednesday meet of the track season. I'm not going to lie, I'm defiently excited!



Am I satisfied with my grades? Yes, I am! I work hard in school in order to get all A's (occasionally there is some B's, I must say) so I can get a good education!



The biggest obstacle I will have to get to my wanted career will probably just be college and schooling. I want to do something with weather so I am going to be taking a lot of science classes in school. Can't wait!


Stanford 10

Today and tomorrow I am testing. Mathematics, Biology, Reading Comprehension, and Language. It's similar to AIMS but no where near as bad... Today I only have 1,2, and 3 hour.


Living Place

If money meant nothing and I could live anywhere, it would be anywhere with a beach. So either Hawaii or California.


All Things Easter

This weekend is going to be really fun! Or at least I hope it will. First off, I don't have school on Friday! Having no school is awesome. I love having an extra day for myself. Then, I have an Easter party to go to with my cousin which should be a blast. And, Sunday is Easter. Who doesn't love Easter?!


Right & Freedom

The difference between a right and freedom is a right is being able to do something by the law, and freedom is totally up to your agency... Although our "free" country does have laws that you are entitled to follow, and if you don't there is consequences.



This weekend was pretty chill.. I had a freshman/sophomore track invitational this Saturday which was a lot of fun, although I didn't do very good in my races. Oh well, I have all this week to get better, right?


April Fools

Everyone always says that April Fools gets them every time... I've never had a great trick! Although, one time my friend said she broke her ankle. She didn't keep the secret very long though! She gave it away right in the morning. Not a pro!


Last Thing I Learned...

You learn something new everyday, right? Today I learned (from Katie Gourdoux) that not all people diagnosed with HIV get AIDS. Thanks for that fun fact!



I would say I have changed a lot in the past year... but not in the ways people would think. I still look like the same person; blond hair, short, etc. But my personality and the way I think has changed. I definitely have matured emotionally, and I'm (more, if that makes sense) open-minded.


Spring Break

I was totally satisfied with this Spring Break! I spent a balanced amount of time with friends and family. It started and ended with a ton of fun. I was really sad to see it end... It made made me long for summer, which I am so excited for! This summer is going to be a blast. I have a lot going on and I'm especially excited on who I get to spend it with. Good thing we only have ONE more quarter left of school! This year has flown by (and I'm not complaining). I can't believe I am almost already done with being a freshman, and next year that I'll be a sophomore! Crazy, right?!



Yes I have been on a vacation. Although, it has never been out of this world. Like, out of the country I mean. I've only really been on the west side of the United States. Which includes Idaho, Utah, Oregon, California, Texas, and Washington. I really want to get out of this country some time in my life though.


Most frightening thing...

In my life I really haven't had anything happen to me that would scar me for life. I have never been in mortal peril where I was in a near death situation. Although, life is a scary thing so there has been certain times where I have been freaked out. One time me and my cousin got lost in the forest and I seriously thought no one was going to find us. LUCKILY we were found. Good thing, right?


Set Days

Surprisingly enough, I like SET days. They give you a chance to catch up on homework, or get ahead! Or just relax... I don't know, I just love having at least a half-hour of semi-free time. I wish we had a half hour everyday. If only, right?


Perfect Classrooom

The perfect classroom would have endless amounts of food, computers, desks, teaching supplies... I don't know, anything you need to teach? I'm not a teacher so I wouldn't know.


Piano Federation

This weekend I have my piano federation. Piano federation is where you play one required piece from the given list of of music that year, and one choice piece of music. You get judged on how you play and you can score from 5-0 points. I have gotten 5 points two years in a row now and if I get 5 points again this year then I get a 15 point trophy! I am really excited but nervous, because I will be so mad if I don't get five points this year.



The last book I read for fun was The Mediator SHADOWLAND. I have already read this book before but I love it! I was re-reading for my independent reading project in Language Arts.


Chroma Key Project

Project's main concept: Student asleep in Spanish class, when her teacher asks hers a question, she wakes up and finds herself in Mexico City.

Props: Desk

Extras: Sheets

Talent: Katie Gourdoux & Andrea Morgan

Fast Food

My favorite fast food... while fast food is so bad for you, I think I like it too much! There are so many fast foods restaurants that I enjoy eating at. But my all time favorite is probably classic-American food. Burgers, fries, and milk shakes. My favorite is place is Five Guys or In-N-Out Burger. Now I am really craving some food!



I hate homework. I feel so behind, and whenever I get caught up, the next second I forgot about something! Today I have flashcards in biology due (did I mention I didn't do them?) and my Independent Reading Project is due. Luckily, I did do that. My teacher's are piling me up with busy work that really isn't necessary! I am so sick of it!


Oh how i love half-days!

Today is a half day! YAY! I can't tell if this week went by slow or not, but I do know that it has seem like a lot has happened since the beginning of this week.
Okay, so I am track and right now I am doing middle distance. I am hating it! I cannot seem to like anything about it. I don't think it is because it is hard... I did cross-country and I semi liked it. I just do not want to do it. So, guess what? I am going to quit the mid distance team and try hurdles. I did hurdles all through middle school and why should I waste all that hard work? I was pretty good, I placed second  in my district for the 55 meter hurdle race. I miss hurdles and miss the rush, and no one is going to stop me from doing hurdles, or I'm going to quit the team. I'm sick of everyone deciding what I'm going to do. I'm going to do what makes me the happiest I can be. Right now, it isn't the 800 meter. It sounds crazy, but this is driving me insane. I don't think I can handle it.


Weekly Exercise

I exercise five days a week, and I give the weekends a break. Should I work out on the weekends? Probably, but I like having those two days off!


Late Start

What was my AIMS experience? Sleeping in! All freshmen and upperclassmen who passed AIMS get a late start today and tomorrow. Let me tell you, it was amazing. I loved sleeping in and for once I wasn't exhausted in the morning!


PMTA's 60th Annual Ensemble Concert

This weekend I performed in the PMTA's 60th Annual Ensemble Concert! Ensemble is a duet on the piano but more than one group is playing it. My song was Fanfare Celebration and I was the opening song! This was my second year doing it, and I really enjoy it. I seriously love the piano and hopefully I can get better at it...


Propaganda #2



information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.
Propaganda is used everywhere, everyday. Advertisements, even what  your friends are saying is propaganda! Whenever someone is putting their opinion on you and giving reasons why it's the best, it's propaganda. 


3D Studio Room post #2

So, here it is. Nothing special, but I think it is pretty good for my first time doing something like this!


If I could buy any electronic device this moment I would buy an iPhone. They can do practically anything! Call, text, take pictures, go on the internet, etc. They're also really simple and easy to figure out. In my dreams though, I don't have the money for that. *sigh*


3D Studio Room

This project was really fun. It was a step up from what we usually do... I loved making everything look 3D and add gradients. I seriously love special effects. It gives just about everything a little more personality. Although I am kind of nervous to see how I did! Mine is clean cut and looks nice, but I couldn't think of what else to add to it. And some of the other people's projects are legit. They look totally awesome. I'm just excited to see what we do with them, I think we are going to green screen them or something cool.


Three Day Weekend

It was a three day weekend! This weekend was really fun. I had my friend Megan's "surprise" birthday party. Megan found out that it was a surprise party the day of! We had her good for a while.. ugh oh well. We all still had a blast but I wish it would've been a real surprise...
On Saturday me and my parents went and visited my nana. I love seeing my nana, I really don't see her enough so I'm always excited to see her. She is such a happy lady and we always have a good time. I love her! Later on Saturday me and some friends went to a church dance... eh, what can I say it was fun. But I have definitely been to better. The first dance I ever went to was awesome. There were so many people there and everyone was dancing and enjoying themselves. I'm not being a complainer, just stating the facts.
I'm already wishing it was the weekend. Luckily this week is one day shorter!


Favorite Band/Music

Just like everyone, I go through phases. Sometimes I really like one band and they are all I listen to and sometimes I absolutely hate them and automatically change the song when it comes on. But the band I can always listen to is YellowCard. My favorite album that they've had is Ocean Avenue. I just love their music because they have great lyrics, and they have a really cool sound. It can be really calming and peaceful and other times it can be a little bit of a harder sound.. not hard core rock though.


Growing up with sports

I always grew up playing sports.. and it wasn't even competitive. I was just always outside playing and my parents signed me up for a few teams. I think you should sign your kids up for sports to see what they enjoy doing. You should sign them up for more then sports of course but you should just make sure your child has a hobby and loves it. It doesn't matter what it is.


Valentine's Day

If I like Valentine's Day is neither here nor there... I don't really have a specific opinion on this day. It is really cute to see happy couples with dozens of red roses and big balloons but people who aren't in a relationship always throw the biggest fit. Just like any holiday, you're still in reality. Life doesn't change just because maybe for 12 hours of the day someone isn't giving you excessive attention. I just wish people would stop talking in extremes.. "I hate Valentine's Day!", "I love Valentine's Day!", or the most annoying "I'm so upset that I don't have a valentine this year...". Honestly, please get over yourself! Just respect the holiday and go on with life because majority of the world already has.


TED Talk #8

1. Erik Johansson

2. Photographing "impossible" moments

3. Erik Johannson is a professional photographer and he takes pictures of things that can't be seen in true reality. So it isn't "capturing the moment" like most photographers say, he thinks "capture the idea". Erik's ideas that are "impossible" aren't necessarily impossible but you don't see them in life. You can't go up and take these pictures in an everyday scene.

4. Erik Johannson's talk did really change the way I think of the world... maybe not to that extent but it does make me think about some things like imagination and creativity. I love the arts and his pictures are simply beautiful. They have something really different about them that makes you think, "Could that really be real?". He has a really modern sense of style. Which I love.

Here are some of his pictures. Go to his website!


Republican Candidates

Republican candidates... according to this website, Mitt Romney is in the lead! I want Mitt Romney to win the election but I don't really care in the end. I don't know enough about politics to have my own official opinion. I don't even really understand some of the vocabulary they use because I've never heard it before and it's all about the formal ways of politics.. which is not my forte. I can't believe President Obama has been president for four years already! Time seriously flies.


Tie Day

Today is Tie Day! For math if you where a buttoned-up shirt and a tie you get five extra credit points for your next test. I was not going to pass that opportunity up so here I am at school in a dress shirt and tie. I really don't mind...


Green Screen

This is my first try at using the chroma key (green screen) technique in Media Productions!


My favorite birthday memory... I don't really have one. My birthday's are usually really fun. It doesn't matter what I'm doing because most of the time I'm with my family and friends and that is what makes it fun.



I actually didn't watch the Superbowl this year... lame, huh? I wasn't interested in any of the teams so I really didn't care who won... My brother and my dad watched while I watched He said, She said. There will be no man like Kevin Bacon... *sigh*


TED Talk #7

1. J.K. Rowling
2. J.K. Rowling spoke at one of the graduations at Harvard University. Her three main points were: the fringe benefits of failure, importance of imagination, and friendship. She went into detail about how failure gives you the opportunities to step into someone's shoes. That it can create humility for your position in life. Imagination is important too because it protects you. Maybe you won't have the same experience as failure as others, but through imagination you don't need the real life visual. You are open-minded enough where you can think for yourself. And finally she concluded with friendship. True friends are always there and she said to not take advantage of people.
3. Her impression during her speech was sincere and caring. I think she really cares about education and the essentials of life. She wants the best for society, and once in her life she was one of the anxious college graduates who wants someone to feel for them. 


Media plays about every role in today's society. In this generation we are so connected with technology (which ties in with media) that it has an impact on everybody. Media is everywhere! It's on the t.v., internet, billboards... and they are always providing a message. Not always positive, not always negative.


Day off

I love having random days off for school! This day off was nothing spectacular but it was still a great day! I babysat in the morning for about two hours, which is nice because one, I really like this family and two, I get a little bit of money. The rest of the day consisted of me helping my friend Sara's older sister Rianna prepare for Mr. DV! Mr. DV is a boy beauty pageant that our school holds every year. It is just a joke but it is really funny and entertaining to watch the boys mess around.


Comfort or Challenge?

If I had to choose between a job that payed the same, but one was challenging and the other was easy-going, I would take the challenge. Why? If I'm going to be doing this job for a while I don't want some boring job that takes no work ethic what so ever. I want to work hard for my payment!


Future Car

When (and if) I can get car that is completely of my choice I would get a vintage car. A fifties truck, mustang, etc... I love anything vintage.


Last Day

If I knew this was my last day to live I would first not go to school. I would spend time with my friends and family and my most loved ones! I wouldn't do anything absolutely insane because that would waste my time with the ones who I really care about. I would do the things I love doing, being with my family & friends, laughing, smiling, etc, etc...


Storm Chaser

If I could choose any job, and it didn't matter my income, I would definitely be a storm chaser! I know, it is a little bit random, but weather has always intrigued me so I would love to be in the middle of it! Also, I have always wanted to be in a moment of crisis! That sounds INSANE but that sounds so cool to me! Honestly, I have sincerely thought about being a weather chaser. I don't know if it would ever follow through but I would want to at least be involved with the weather.


Elementary School

You know, I really enjoyed my time spent in elementary school! I had a lot of great teachers and there I met the majority of my best friends. When I think about elementary school I mainly remember just having fun, and silly memories!



This weekend was really fun! My friend Maddy had a surprise birthday fiesta Saturday night and it was a blast! We wore sombreo's and ate taquitos, chips and salsa, and drank Spainish smoothies! I think she was really happy about us holding her a surprise party. I hope she had fun because I know I did!
While I was sad this weekend was over so quick, this school week should be fun! It's winter spirit week because Winter Formal is on Saturday. I'm not going, but I'll find something fun to do!



I think it is really hard to break a habit that runs in the family. And that is why I think that some adults who have children really shouldn't be parents and should treat the future responsibly! If you grew up with your parents not caring for you, not trying to build a relationship with you, maybe even physically or verbally abusing you, then how much would you know about the positive things about parents? If that is all you know then how do you think you are going to treat your children? I am not saying people can't change who they want to raise a family but things usually run in the family line and it must be hard to break! How could it not? I think it would...

The qualities (I think) good parents have are encouraging, supportive, loving, caring, loyal, open minded, and many others! No parent is perfect and that is life, but if you're trying to be a good parent then I think that is enough. Although, a lot of parents try to make home a loving place but they can't. They get too caught up in their personal problems. That is really hard for them to go through them along with their kids having to deal with it. Every kid wants to love their parents, but to get through life you have to endeavour.


TED Talk 6

1) Clay Shirky, he studies technology and the effects it can have on our society.

2) Clay Shirky went into detail about the new bills SOPA & PIPA. SOPA and PIPA would be censorship the the Interent. SOPA and PIPA were created in order to stop people from stealing, sharing, and producing things on the Internet. The companies on the Internet feel as if their work isn't getting the credit it deserves.

3) This talk did change the way I think. For both sides. Internet censorship definitely has pros and cons.
PROS: It isn't fair for people who are trying to make a living off the internet and people are "sharing" their work and getting their products for free.
CONS: It isn't fair to the people who aren't stealing and have to deal with rude people who can't respect people who are trying to make business!

It was an off day...

Yesterday was definitely not one of my best days. I was feeling so sick! I have never felt that sick before. I felt nauseous, dizzy, my stomach was in horrible pain, and I kept going between cold and hot sweats. And to top that off, I had a game against Moon Valley. I went home after sixth hour because I seriously thought I was going to die. I took a lot of medicine and took a nap, and I was actually feeling a lot better! At first I didn't think I was going to play though because I didn't know if they sickness was going to come back after a little while. I decided I would play, so I quickly road my long board to the school and played! I was so happy I decided to play. My team was relying on me and I needed to be there! Yesterday's game was crazy because my coach played me as a forward, I have never played forward before! It was really nerve wracking but I think I did pretty good for it being my first time! We have a game today against Barry Goldwater (the second time this week) and I don't know how we are going to do today because Kaitlyn (one of our best players) quit. Or that is what people on the team are saying. I really hope that is not the case...



When people retire I do think they have a lot of time on their hands but they are probably still really busy! Both of my Grandparents are retired and I know they are still doing something. My dad's parents usually visit my aunt and uncles and their grandchildren. My mom is an only child so her parents were usually taking care of my great grandmother and running errands. Even though people are retired, they have lives too!


Future Presidential Election

I am not sure what this next presidential election has in store for our country! I honestly don't keep up on politics very much so I don't even have an opinion of this next election.


Farthest I've been from home

I really don't travel a lot but the farthest I have been from home is Washington. My Dad's oldest uncle lives in Washington so we went to visit him. Actually that whole North West area, because the majority of my family lives there. So, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Utah...


Closest Relative

I don't really have a closest relative! I am really close with all of my family and I love them all. Of course there are more I spend more time with than others but I don't like one more. Although, I am really close with my brother Jarom. He drives me INSANE sometimes but I can tell him and trust him with anything. You could describe him as stubborn, funny, caring, nice, and sincere. He can be really stupid but I love him! He is really easy to talk to and I like the way he treats people. He is always really nice to everybody and he doesn't care who they are. He isn't mean to anybody.


Improving myself as a student this semester

My semester can be more successful if I come prepared to learn. I think that is the only guidline you honestly need. If you are prepared to learn then you WANT to learn and you will make an effort to your education. You'll come prepared and pay attention in class.


New Year Resolutions

This year I have a lot of things I want to change in my lifestyle. Most of my goals for this year include
-don't procrastinate
-stay in touch and build a better relationship with my Grandparents
-increase my personal church studies
-stay positive
-gain patience
-develop my talents

I am pretty confident I can make these goals this year!


2011 Winterbreak

This Winterbreak was really fun! It was so nice having all my family home for the holiday's. This break mostly consisted of staying up really late, waking up really late, many QT trips, movie watching, and hanging with friends! My sister Maddi is going to BYU Hawaii so all Saturday and we helped her pack. It took SO LONG. Although, we were messing around a lot so I think that is why it took so long.. ha ha. She left yesterday at 4:30am. She arrived in Hawaii 3:30pm our time but it was 11:00am in Hawaii. I am so excited for her and can't wait till I finish high school because that is where I want to go!
This is the first day back at school. Randomly I have a different Biology teacher, and I am so annoyed! I am going to do everything I can to get back into Jaegar's class! And I'm not going to know anybody in that class... great.